The city council may adopt an ordinance assessing a per acre charge calculated in accordance with this Division 3 to be assessed within a basin area.
(Ord. 15095, § 1, passed 5-14-2002)
For the purposes of this division, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section.
APPROACH WATER MAIN. The portion of a newly constructed water main from an existing main to the closest outer perimeter of a proposed development.
CITY-INITIATED APPROACH WATER MAIN. Any approach water main constructed by the city, regardless of the size or length of the pipe constructed.
CITY PARTICIPATION. The portion of the construction cost that the city reimburses a developer under the policy for the installation of community facilities. CITY PARTICIPATION includes the cost for over-sizing the developer-initiated approach water main.
(1) The cost incurred by the city related to either a city-initiated approach water main or the city participation costs in a developer-initiated approach water main, which costs are based upon the costs contained in the contracts awarded for the construction of the water main, regardless of the final cost and may include design and easement acquisition costs, including any costs and legal fees associated with condemnation of any easement;
(2) The cost incurred by a developer related to the construction of a developer-initiated approach water main based solely on the cost of the contracts awarded for the construction of such water main, without regard to the final cost and may include design and reasonable easement acquisition costs, but excludes any legal and real estate agent fees and other condemnation expenses; or
(3) Both.
DEVELOPER’S DEVELOPMENT COST PERCENTAGE. The development cost incurred by the developer divided by the development cost, expressed as a percentage.
DEVELOPER-INITIATED APPROACH WATER MAIN. Any approach water main constructed by the developer with city participation, regardless of the length and size of the pipe.
FRONTAGE MAIN. The portion of the sanitary sewer or water main located within the frontage of the developing property.
FRONTAGE MAIN ELIGIBILITY. Frontage main eligibility may only occur when the property's frontage main is shared with another property on the opposing side of the street right-of-way to the developer's property that is owned by a separate landowner not affiliated with the developer.
MAXIMUM DAY DEMAND. The water demand based on total projected capita of the development at the maximum day design criteria. The calculation of the maximum day demand is contained in the most current version of the city’s Policy and Procedure for Processing Water and Wastewater Projects for Design and Construction. For most normal uses, the MAXIMUM DAY DEMAND shall be based on the previous known annual average usage multiplied by the maximum day peaking factor.
OTHER DEVELOPMENT. A property that connects directly to the approach water main to which there is a water main capacity charge as a sole source of water supply to the property. It includes property that connects indirectly to other water mains that connect to the approach water main to which there is a water main capacity charge as a sole source of water supply to the property. If the property is connected to another existing water main for a dual source of water supply for the purpose of water system looping and not for the demand needs of the property, then the property is not considered as OTHER DEVELOPMENT. This is determined by the comprehensive water study submitted for review.
PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. The property for which service is being requested that requires the construction of the developer-initiated approach water main. The PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT must be delineated on a concept plan or a preliminary plat (if a concept plan is not required) that has been filed with the city’s development department.
WATER MAIN CAPACITY CHARGE. A charge based on 1,000,000 gallons per day (MGD) of maximum day demand generated by a development.
(Ord. 17623, § 2, passed 6-19-2007; Ord. 21251-05-2014, § 3, passed 5-20-2014; Ord. 23708-06-2019, § 5, passed 6-25-2019)
The city council shall adopt an ordinance prior to the collection of the water main capacity charge assessed by this division for each specific water main. Nothing contained herein requires the city council to adopt such an ordinance, such adoption being in the sole discretion of the city council.
(Ord. 17623, § 2, passed 6-19-2007)
Density | Average Daily Demand | Maximum Day Peak Factor | |
Single-family (attached or detached) | 3.5 people/unit or 14 people/acre | 200 gpcd | 2.25 |
Multifamily | 2.5 people/unit or 52 people/acre | 180 gpcd | 2.25 |
Commercial | 1 person per 400 SF or 14 people/acre | 50 gpcd | 2.25 |
Schools | 60 - 75 students per acre | Elementary-30 gpcd | 2.25 |
Middle - 35 gpcd | |||
High school - 40 gpcd |
If the domestic annual average demand of the commercial, industrial or other development is unknown during platting, the single-family density of 14 people per acre and an average daily demand of 200 gallons per capita per day (GPCD) with a maximum day peak factor of two and twenty-five hundredths shall be used.
(Ord. 17623, § 2, passed 6-19-2007; Ord. 23708-06-2019, § 6, passed 6-25-2019)
For approach water mains constructed under a developer-initiated or city-initiated approach water main project, the water main capacity charge shall be calculated as follows.
(a) Development cost shall be determined consistent with the definitions contained in § 35-88.
(b) For a developer-initiated approach water main, the developer is responsible for providing all information, studies and exhibits that may be reasonably requested by the city. For a city-initiated approach water main, the city’s consultant engineer shall provide any necessary exhibits as requested by the city.
(c) For a developer-initiated approach water main that the city has cost participated to over-size the approach water main, the city shall be responsible for providing calculated basin area, together with any necessary exhibits on water mains that have city cost participation for over-sizing the developer-initiated approach water main.
(d) For a developer-initiated frontage water main that the city has cost participated to oversize, the water main capacity charge calculation shall be based on the delta MGD capacity of over-sizing the developer-initiated approach water main.
(e) Developer maybe eligible to recoup costs associated with installation of a frontage water main under a front foot charge if applicable to language described above in the Frontage Main Eligibility definition. Refer to Chapter 35 Water and Sewers, Article III, Charges, Division 1, § 35-58 Assessment of Front Footage Charges for Service Connection, of the City Code for more information.
(f) The water main capacity charge is calculated by dividing the development cost by the water pipe’s net capacity. The water pipe’s net capacity is determined in accordance with the most current version if the city’s Policy and Procedure for Processing Water and Wastewater Projects for Design and Construction, using a coefficient of roughness of 120. The maximum pipe capacity will be based on a pipe friction loss of seven feet per 1,000 feet length of pipe or water velocity of seven feet per second, whichever is more conservative. The net pipe capacity is equal to the maximum pipe capacity subtract the minimum residential fire flow. Currently the minimum residential fire flow per Fort Worth fire department is 1.44 MGD, which may change with future adoption of the International Fire Code. See a table below for net capacity based on pipe size.
Maximum Design Capacity for Water Mains (12 in. to 54 in.) | ||||
Water Main Size (I.D.) | Pipe Velocity (ft./sec.) | Pipe Friction Loss (ft./1,000 ft.) | Maximum Capacity (MGD) | Net Capacity (MGD) |
12 in. | 3.55 | 7.00 | 2.3 | 0.86 |
16 in. | 5.43 | 7.0 | 4.9 | 4.86 |
24 in. | 7.00 | 7.00 | 14.2 | 12.76 |
30 in. | 7.00 | 5.37 | 22.2 | 20.76 |
36 in. | 7.00 | 4.33 | 32.0 | 30.56 |
Maximum Design Capacity for Water Mains (16 in. to 54 in.) | ||||
Water Main Size (I.D.) | Pipe Velocity (ft./sec.) | Pipe Friction Loss (ft./1,000 ft.) | Maximum Capacity (MGD) | Net Capacity (MGD) |
42 in. | 7.00 | 3.64 | 43.5 | 42.06 |
48 in. | 7.00 | 3.14 | 56.8 | 55.36 |
54 in. | 7.00 | 2.72 | 72.0 | 70.56 |
(Ord. 17623, § 2, passed 6-19-2007; Ord. 21251-05-2014, § 4, passed 5-20-2014; Ord. 23708-06-2019, § 7, passed 6-25-2019)