(a) Two or more residential, business, commercial or industrial units located on separate lots or tracts shall not be permitted to be supplied with one water meter or sewer service connection where there is a water or sewer main in front of the premises, but shall have separate water meters and sewerage service connections.
(b) (1) When there is a developed subdivision which on or before April 1, 1981, has existing paved streets under which exist water and sewer mains with service taps of adequate size to serve each subdivision lot, and should a lot of that subdivision on which no dwelling units have been constructed be replatted into two lots to accommodate the construction of a dwelling unit on each of the two replatted lots, the two lots thus created may be served by extensions from the existing single water service line and the existing single sewer service line, provided that such extensions have service taps of adequate size as specified in § 35-57.4.
(2) Each such replat shall contain a provision that the owners of the replatted lots shall share equally in the cost of repairing and maintaining that portion of the sewer service line from the sanitary sewer main to the point where the sewer line forms a wye to serve each lot; that each lot owner shall be individually responsible for the cost of repairing and maintaining that portion of the sewer service line which extends from the wye to serve his or her lot; that each lot owner shall be individually responsible for the cost of repairing and maintaining that portion of the water service line which extends from the discharge side of the water meter to serve his or her lot; and that in no event shall the city be liable for maintaining or repairing the water or sewer service lines which are herein made the responsibility of the lot owners.
(3) Each such replat shall also provide that the property owner on whose property the water or sewer service is introduced directly from the water or sanitary sewer main shall grant to the adjacent property owner on whose property the water or sewer service is extended such easements necessary to permit the adjacent property owner to enter upon the property where the service is introduced for the purpose of repairing or maintaining the extension line serving his or her lot or that portion of the sewer service line shared jointly by the two lot owners.
(1964 Code, § 37-21) (Ord. 8308, § 1, passed 3-31-1981)