(a) The city council shall adopt a schedule of fees for reimbursement of costs of permitting, inspecting and enforcing Article VII as follows:
(1) Fees for issuing irrigation installation permits; and
(2) Fees for monitoring and inspection by the city or its agent.
(b) Such fees shall relate solely to the matters covered by this Article VII and are separate from and in addition to all other fees, fines and penalties assessable by the city.
(c) The fee schedule may be amended from time-to-time as the city council deems reasonably necessary.
(Ord. 18444-01-2009, § 1, passed 1-13-2009)
In this article:
APPROVED USE. The use of reclaimed water as authorized by law and approved through a reclaimed water agreement with the city.
APPROVED USE AREA. A site authorized by law and designated approved in a reclaimed water agreement to receive reclaimed water for an approved use.
CHAPTER 210. Tex. Administrative Code Title 30, Chapter 210, titled “Use of Reclaimed Water,” as it may be amended from time to time.
COMMINGLE. The mixing of reclaimed water with one or more liquids in the same container unit.
COMMISSION or TCEQ. The Texas commission on environmental quality and its successor agencies.
CONTAINER UNIT. Any container that is used to hold reclaimed water during transport from a wastewater treatment facility to an approved use area.
CROSS-CONNECTION. Any physical arrangement where a potable water supply is actually or potentially connected with any non-potable water system, used water system or auxiliary water supply, sewer, drain conduit, swimming pool, storage reservoir, plumbing fixture, swamp cooler, air conditioning unit, fire protection system or any other assembly which contains, or may contain, contaminated water, domestic sewage or other liquid of unknown or unsafe quality which may be capable of imparting contamination to the public water system as a result of backflow. Bypass arrangements, jumper connections, removable sections, swivel or change over assemblies, or other temporary or permanent assemblies through which, or because of which, backflow may occur are considered to be CROSS- CONNECTIONS.
DIRECTOR. The director of the water department, or the director’s designee.
(1) A reclaimed water main offsite to a user which is constructed at the expense of the reclaimed water user and which connects one or more user with a City of Fort Worth transmission main.
(2) DISTRIBUTION MAINS terminate at:
a. The point of connection with a user’s reclaimed water meter; and
b. The point of connection with the City of Fort Worth’s transmission mains.
(3) All
DISTRIBUTION MAINS (including the reclaimed water meter connecting to a user’s onsite reclaimed water main) accepted by the City of Fort Worth becomes the property of the City of Fort Worth at the time the distribution main is accepted.
DRAWINGS. Plans, working drawings, detail drawings, profiles, typical cross sections or reproductions that show locations, character, dimensions, or details of work related to a reclaimed water system and its components.
OFF-SITE FACILITIES. Any distribution main and/or transmission main as defined herein.
ON-SITE FACILITIES. Any reclaimed water transport or distribution lines on the user’s side of the reclaimed water meter. On-site reclaimed water mains are built by the user and subject to permitting, the City of Fort Worth’s regulations and inspection and Chapter 210 minimum standards.
POINT OF CONNECTION. A location where offsite facilities connect to onsite facilities and, unless otherwise set forth in the reclaimed water service agreement, is the point at the downstream end of the water department’s reclaimed water service.
RECLAIMED WATER. Wastewater that is collected through a city owned wastewater treatment plant(s), treated to a quality that meets or exceeds the TCEQ’s authorization to the city and/or Chapter 210 requirements.
RECLAIMED WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. That system of pipes and related facilities for the distribution, use and sale of reclaimed water by the city or the city’s contractor’s.
RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE. The furnishing of reclaimed water to a user, through a metered connection, to onsite facilities.
RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE AGREEMENT. A standard agreement, between a user and the city that establishes the conditions and terms for delivery and use of reclaimed water.
RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE AREA. The territory within the city and within its extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) and as it may later be amended.
RECLAIMED WATER TRANSPORTATION. The transport of reclaimed water by vehicles to an approved use area.
STORAGE FACILITY. An impoundment or structural tank that receives and stores reclaimed water.
TRANSMISSION MAIN. A reclaimed water main including pumping and monitoring facilities.
USER. A private party to a reclaimed water agreement with the city.
WATER DEPARTMENT. The City of Fort Worth water department.
(Ord. 19543-02-2011, § 1, passed 2-8-2011)
(a) Upon the director’s recommendation that the provision of reclaimed water is feasible, the city manager may enter into a standard reclaimed water agreement for the provision of reclaimed water to properties within the reclaimed water service area upon application, and in compliance with this article and all applicable laws and regulations.
(b) A person who requests reclaimed water service from the city must meet all requirements provided in this article and all minimum design, construction and operation standards for reclaimed water facilities.
(Ord. 19543-02-2011, § 1, passed 2-8-2011)