(a) Only one standard meter shall be attached to and be served by a three-fourths-inch tap. No more than two standard meters or one one-inch meter shall be attached to and served by a one-inch or three standard meters or three one-inch meters shall be attached to and served by a one-and-one-half-inch tap. Not more than one two-inch, four one-inch or six standard meters shall be attached to and served by a two-inch tap.
(b) In instances where fire protection is not a factor and good engineering practices permit, and upon written authorization from the director, multiple small meter settings may be made at a single location instead of a three-inch or larger meter at such location, but such multiple small meter settings shall be made entirely at the customer’s cost. The customer’s cost shall include tap installation, meters, meter fittings, meter boxes, meter deposits and impact fees for each meter. The city shall retain ownership of all of such facilities and equipment.
(c) Customers using a separate water meter for one or more seasonal purposes (such as lawn watering, but not being limited thereto) shall in addition to any volume charges pay the minimum monthly charge prescribed for each meter size throughout the year.
(Ord. 12076, § 2, passed 8-15-1995)
A property owner may request that the water meter providing service to the owner’s property be reduced or enlarged in size. A charge shall be made by the city for each reduction or, in addition to any impact fee, enlargement of size of the water meter. The charge to be made for the reduction or enlargement, exclusive of any impact fee, shall be as follows:
Water Meter Reduction | |
Size Reduction (Inches) | Charge |
1 to 3/4 | $40 |
1-1/2 to 3/4 | $70 |
1-1/2 to 1 | $70 |
2 to 1-1/2 | $90 |
2 to 1 | $90 |
Water Meter Enlargement | |
Size Enlargement (Inches) | Charge |
3/4 to 1 | $40 |
3/4 to 1-1/2 | $70 |
1 to 1-1/2 | $70 |
1-1/2 to 2 | $90 |
1 to 2 | $90 |
(Ord. 12076, § 2, passed 8-15-1995)
(a) City installed tap. In the case where the city installs a two-inch or smaller water tap, a charge shall be made for each tap made to a water main. The charges shall be payable by the property owner prior to the tap being made and shall be as follows:
Water Tap Fees | ||||||
Pavement | 1-inch | 1.5-inch | 2-inch | |||
Short | Long | Short | Long | Short | Long | |
Unpaved | $2,5000 | $3,000 | $2,700 | $3,200 | $2,900 | $3,300 |
Asphalt* | $3,000 | $3,200 | $3,200 | $3,400 | $3,400 | $3,700 |
Concrete | $3,000 | $3,700 | $3,200 | $4,300 | $3,400 | $4,600 |
*See also section (b) below for additional asphalt pavement repair fees.
(b) City installed tap within asphalt pavement. Any tap connection performed within an asphalt street constructed more than two years prior to the proposed tap connection will be assessed an additional charge associated with the age and pavement condition index (PCI) as adopted by the city council.
(c) Taps within new pavement. Proposed tap connections within concrete or asphalt pavement less than two years of age will not be performed by the city and will be required to be made under a Community Facilities Agreement (CFA) between the customer and the city.
(d) Other taps. Any tap connection larger than two inches, or involving unusual circumstances, shall be made through the Community Facilities Agreement process between the customer and the city or through the city's Miscellaneous Contracts.
(1) Community Facilities Agreement. The customer shall comply with the requirements of the CFA process and pavement repair in accordance with the city's Utility Construction Policy.
(2) Miscellaneous contract. At the discretion of the city, tap installations may be eligible to be performed through the city's Miscellaneous Contracts. Any installations requiring excavation in a newly paved street (within two years of age) are not eligible for the Miscellaneous Contract process. Construction within the city's Downtown Central Business District are not eligible for the Miscellaneous Contract process unless granted prior approval from the Water Department Director. The Miscellaneous Contract may be used for the following types of infrastructure:
a. Fire line taps;
b. Water service lines two-inches, or smaller; and
c. Water service taps greater than two-inches. Three-inches and greater will require a meter vault in accordance with standard details.
(e) New developments. Developers shall pay the full cost of all water service taps constructed by contract in new developments through a CFA.
(f) Pavement removal. In the case that installation of a water tap connection requires the removal of pavement, the city and/or pre-qualified contractor will abide by the city's Utility Construction Policy for all pavement cuts or excavations within the city right-of-way and easements. All construction must be in accordance with city standard construction specifications. All pre-planned utility construction within city right-of-way, including drainage or other applicable easements, requires a Street Use Permit for Utility Construction ("Permit") prior to construction.
(g) Other fee. The tap charges shall be in addition to the applicable fees provided for in the city plumbing code and in any other city codes, including, but not limited to, impact fees.
(h) Violations. Any service connection made in violation of the City Code may be removed at the property owner's expense.
(i) Ownership and maintenance.
(1) The water tap and service line installation shall be constructed at the expense of the property owner/customer. The city shall then be the owner of the tap and service line.
(2) The city shall maintain water service connections from the main to the meter.
(j) Tap removal. The permanent removal or abandonment of a water service line or meter may be performed under a Community Facilities Agreement (CFA), Miscellaneous Projects or the city and comply with city's Utility Construction Policy.
(1) The city shall not perform a removal of a tap within concrete or asphalt pavement less than two years of age and will be required to be made under a Community Facilities Agreement.
(2) If the tap removal request is through the city, a removal fee as shown below shall be due and payable to the city prior to the tap being removed. Any tap connection removed within an asphalt street constructed more than two years prior to the proposed tap connection will be assessed an additional charge associated with the age and pavement condition index (PCI) as adopted by the City Council in accordance with the city's Utility Construction Policy.
Water Tap Removal Fees | |
Pavement | Fee |
Unpaved | $1,400 |
Asphalt* | $1,400* |
Concrete | $2,800 |
* Additional asphalt pavement repair fees will apply.
(Ord. 12076, § 2, passed 8-15-1995; Ord. 17619, § 1, passed 6-19-2007, eff. 10-1-2007; Ord. 24061-02-2020, § 2, passed 2-18-2020, eff. 4-1-2020; Ord. 26452-09-2023, § 1, passed 9-19-2023, eff. 10-1-2023)
(a) City installed tap. The city may install sewer taps eight-inches, or smaller, with a depth not exceeding eight feet of cover. The property owner and or customer shall pay a charge as detailed below for any sanitary sewer tap installed by the city prior to the tap being made.
Sewer Tap Fees | ||||||
Pavement | 4" | 6"* | 8"* | |||
Short | Long | Short | Long | Short | Long | |
Unpaved | $2,600 | $3,200 | $3,100 | $3,750 | $3,600 | $4,250 |
Asphalt** | $4,200 | $5,300 | $7,000 | $8,000 | $8,600 | $9,600 |
Concrete | $3,500 | $7,900 | $7,500 | $10,200 | $8,600 | $11,500 |
*See also Section (b) for additional costs associated with manholes.
** See also section (c) below for addition asphalt pavement repair fees.
(b) Manhole requirement. All sewer taps greater than four-inch require connection to an existing or installed manhole and shall be contracted and paid for by the customer. If a connection to an existing manhole cannot be made, an additional charge of $4,200 shall be payable by the property owner for the new manhole installation.
(c) City installed tap within asphalt pavement. Any tap connection performed within an asphalt street constructed more than two years prior to the proposed tap connection will be assessed an additional charge associated with the age and pavement condition index (PCI) as adopted by the city council in accordance with the city's Utility Construction Policy.
(d) Taps within new pavement. Proposed tap connections within concrete or asphalt pavement less than two years of age will not be performed by the city and will be required to be made under a CFA between the customer and the city.
(e) Other taps. Any sanitary sewer tap involving unusual conditions, connections to the city's deep sewer system, connections to mains exceeding eight feet of depth, or taps larger than eight inches shall be made through the Community Facilities Agreement process between the customer and city or through the city's Miscellaneous Contracts.
(1) Community Facilities Agreement. The customer shall comply with the requirements of the CFA process and pavement repair in accordance with the city's Utility Construction Policy.
(2) Miscellaneous contract. At the discretion of the city, tap installations may be eligible to be performed through the city's Miscellaneous Contracts. Any installations requiring excavation in a newly paved street (within two years of age) are not eligible for the Miscellaneous Contract process. Construction within the city's Downtown Central Business District are not eligible for the Miscellaneous Contract process unless granted prior approval from the Water Department Director. The Miscellaneous Contract may be used for any size of sewer tap where the depth of cover does not exceed 12 feet.
(f) New developments. Developers shall pay the full cost of all sewer service taps constructed by contract in new developments through a CFA.
(g) Pavement removal. In the case that installation of a sewer tap connection requires the removal of pavement, the city and/or pre-qualified contractor will abide to the city's Utility Construction Policy for all pavement cuts or excavations within the City of Fort Worth rights of way (ROW) and easements. All construction must be in accordance with city standard construction specifications. All pre-planned utility construction within city right-of-way, including drainage or other applicable easements, requires a Street Use Permit for Utility Construction ("Permit") prior to construction.
(h) Other fees. The tap charges shall be in addition to the applicable fees provided for in the city plumbing code and in any other city codes, including, but not limited to, impact fees.
(i) Grade verification. Prior to any construction of a building sewer lateral, the property owner shall verify in writing that the sewer lateral is capable of being installed to such a grade that will permit a sanitary sewer tap to be made by the city and that will meet all applicable city codes. Verification will be made by a drawing depicting the grade of the sanitary sewer lateral and the elevation of the sanitary sewer tap. In the absence of such verification, that portion of any building sewer to be constructed by the plumber or the person securing the permit shall not be constructed prior to the completion of the sanitary sewer tap by the water department forces.
(j) Violations. Any service connection made in violation of the City Code shall be removed at the property owner's expense.
(k) Ownership and maintenance.
(1) The sanitary sewer tap shall be constructed at the expense of the owner/customer. The city shall then own and maintain the sewer tap upon completion and acceptance.
(2) The city shall maintain wastewater service connections from the main to the property line.
(l) Tap removal. When a property owner requests permanent removal or abandonment of a sanitary sewer service line, then the tap removal shall be made through the Community Facilities Agreement process between the customer and city or through the city's Miscellaneous Contracts. The city shall not perform any sewer tap removal.
(1) Community Facilities Agreement. The customer shall comply with the requirements of the CFA process and pavement repair in accordance with the city's Utility Construction Policy.
(2) Miscellaneous Contract. At the discretion of the city, tap removal may be eligible to be performed through the city's Miscellaneous Contracts. Any installations requiring excavation in a newly paved street (within two years of age) are not eligible for the Miscellaneous Contract process. Construction within the city's Downtown Central Business District are not eligible for the Miscellaneous Contract process unless granted prior approval from the Water Department Director. The Miscellaneous Contract may be used for any sewer tap removal where the depth of cover does not exceed 12 feet.
(Ord. 12076, § 2, passed 8-15-1995; Ord. 17619, § 1, passed 6-19-2007, eff. 10-1-2007; Ord. 24061-02-2020, § 3, passed 2-18-2020, eff. 4-1-2020; Ord. 26452-09-2023, § 1, passed 9-19-2023, eff. 10-1-2023)
In part of the downtown area the city maintains a separate sanitary sewer system to serve the basements of the buildings located in that area. The separate system is referred to as the deep sewer. The construction of the sewer tap shall be done by the city, or the plumber or person holding the permit may be permitted by the plumbing inspector to construct the sewer tap in accordance with requirements of the city plumbing code and all other applicable ordinances of the city. Any work done by the city in making a deep sewer connection shall be paid for by the plumber or other person holding a plumbing permit relating to such deep sewer connection.
(Ord. 12076, § 2, passed 8-15-1995)
(a) In cases where the city council has directed that an unimproved street be paved and such unimproved street contains existing water or sewer mains but no sanitary sewer or water taps have been extended to one or more of the abutting lots, in order to prevent future paving cuts, the city is authorized to install or cause to be installed a sanitary sewer tap or water tap to connect the water or sewer mains to each such lot.
(b) If the applicable charges for water or sanitary sewer taps installed under this section are not paid prior to the date such street is improved by paving, an additional $30 shall be charged for each water or sanitary sewer tap. These charges shall be payable at the time the property is connected to the water or sewer line in the city.
(c) The owner of each abutting lot served by each water tap constructed under this section shall pay the appropriate charge for such tap as stated in § 35-57.4.
(d) The owner of each abutting lot served by each sewer tap constructed under this section shall pay the appropriate charge for such tap as stated in § 35-57.5.
(1964 Code, § 37-26) (Ord. 5432, § 2, passed - -; Ord. 5875, §§ 1—6, passed - -; Ord. 6325, § 3, passed 6-29-1970; Ord. 6685, § 2, passed 6-19-1972; Ord. 6888, § 2, passed 8-13-1973; Ord. 7094, §§ 1, 2, passed 11-11-1974; Ord. 7380, § 2, passed 7-12-1976; Ord. 7981, § 2, passed 9-18-1979; Ord. 8158, § 2, passed 8-18-1980; Ord. 8264, § 2, passed 2-10-1981; Ord. 8387, § 2, passed 9-1-1981; Ord. 8618, § 2, passed 8-17-1982; Ord. 8619, § 3, passed 8-17-1982; Ord. 8680, § 2, passed 11-16-1982; Ord. 8905, § 3, passed 8-30-1983; Ord. 8906, § 2, passed 8-30-1983; Ord. 9179, § 3, passed 8-28-1984; Ord. 9180, § 3, passed 8-28-1984; Ord. 9432, § 3, passed 7-23-1985; Ord. 9433, § 3, passed 7-23-1985; Ord. 9696, §§ 4—6, passed 8-19-1986; Ord. 9982, § 1, passed 10-13-1987; Ord. 10026, § 3, passed 12-18-1987; Ord. 10075, § 1, passed 3-15-1988; Ord. 10173, § 2, passed 9-27-1988; Ord. 10374, §§ 1, 2, passed 8-29-1989; Ord. 10678, § 1, passed 9-25-1990; Ord. 11717, § 9, passed 11-1-1994; Ord. 12076, § 1, passed 8-15-1995)
(a) Generally. In addition to other connection charges provided in this chapter, a front footage charge shall be paid for all service connections made to all water and sanitary sewer mains in the following cases:
(1) Service connections or extensions made to serve adjacent property from an approach facility constructed by a developer, single-customer property owner or the city;
(2) Service connections or extensions made to serve adjacent property from an approach facility that has been replaced at developer, single-customer property owner cost or the city; and
(3) Service connections or extensions made to serve adjacent property from an approach facility installed by multiple single-customer property owners or the city.
(4) Service connections or extensions made to serve adjacent property from a frontage main connecting from an approach main constructed or replaced by a developer, single-customer property owner, multiple single-customer property owners or the city.
(b) Definitions. The following terms shall be defined as follows when used in this section.
APPROACH MAIN. A portion of the sanitary sewer or water main from the point of connection to the existing main to the nearest property corner of the developing property.
CITY PARTICIPATION. The portion of the construction cost that the city reimburses a developer under the policy for the installation of community facilities.
COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT. Any establishment other than a one- or two-unit residence.
DEVELOPER. Any type of new customer other than "single-customer property owner."
a. The cost incurred by the city related to either a city-initiated sanitary wastewater or water main or the city participation costs in a developer-initiated wastewater or water main, which costs are based upon the costs contained in the contracts awarded for the construction of the water main, regardless of the final cost;
b. The cost incurred by a developer related to the construction of a developer-initiated wastewater or water main based solely on the cost of the contracts awarded for the construction of such wastewater or water main, without regard to the final cost; or
c. Both a. and b.
DEVELOPER'S DEVELOPMENT COST PERCENTAGE. The development cost incurred by the developer divided by the development cost, expressed as a percentage.
FRONT FOOTAGE. The number of linear feet in that portion of a property boundary abutting a street, alley or easement containing a sanitary sewer or water main for which front footage charges are collected for connection.
FRONTAGE MAIN. The portion of the sanitary sewer or water main located within the frontage of the developing property.
FRONTAGE MAIN ELIGIBILITY. Frontage main eligibility may only occur when the property's frontage main is shared with another property on the opposing side of the street right-of-way to the developer's property is owned by a separate landowner not affiliated with the developer.
SINGLE-CUSTOMER PROPERTY OWNER. An existing occupied residential establishment or an existing commercial establishment.
(c) Sewers crossing through property served. In the case of an easement containing a sanitary sewer for which footage charges are collected for connection, which sewer crosses through the property served, the boundary on which the front footage charge is to be based shall be the length of the sewer within the limits of such property measured along the centerline of such sewer.
(d) Determination of front footage. Front footage to be used in application of front footage charges shall be determined as follows:
(1) The front footage charge shall apply directly to property platted into lots or tracts of land;
(2) Front footage charge shall be determined by using the longest boundary length abutting a street, alley or easement containing a wastewater or water facility serving the property or computed as one-six of the perimeter of such property, whichever is greater. The payment of front footage charges by the customer shall be the greater amount as calculated above;
(3) The front footage charge shall be calculated as prescribed by the method in the policy for installation of community facilities for water and sewer;
(4) The director shall be authorized to collect the front foot charge in the amounts established by city council pursuant to this section and the policy for installation of community facilities, whichever is greater; and
(5) The applicable front footage charges required hereunder for water or sanitary sewer service connections shall be paid before the filing of a final plat, or before a plumbing permit can be issued; and
(6) The front footage charge for frontage main eligibility shall be one-half the prescribed calculated method in the policy of installation of community facilities for water and sewer for service connections or extensions made to serve adjacent property.
(e) Determination of the front foot charge for the appropriate pipe size. Front footage amounts to be used to determine the front footage charge calculated in subsection (d) above:
(1) The appropriate pipe size is determined based on the approved water and sewer studies of the subsequent developments that will benefit from the connection to the existing approach main or by the water department director's, or his or her designee's, approval.
(2) The front foot charges are as follows:
Size of Connecting Pipe | Water FFC |
8-inch or Smaller | $43.23 |
10-inch | $54.22 |
12-inch | $57.73 |
16-inch | $75.57 |
Size of Connecting Pipe | Sewer FFC |
Size of Connecting Pipe | Sewer FFC |
8-inch or Smaller | $54.26 |
10-inch | $56.46 |
12-inch | $65.70 |
15-inch | $74.94 |
18-inch | $84.18 |
21-inch | $93.44 |
24-inch | $115.95 |
(f) Administration of front foot charge. The administration of front foot charges is as follows:
(1) The water department shall be responsible for the collection, refund and maintenance of front foot charges collected.
(2) The payment of the front foot charge assessed hereunder shall be paid prior to the filing of final plat, or before a plumbing permit can be issued.
(3) A two percent (2%) annual cost adjustment shall be incorporated into the prescribed front footage charge. Annual cost adjustment increase shall be assessed on January 1st of the following year for the established front footage charge. Annual cost adjustment shall be accrued until below listed conditions are met regarding developer or city initiated wastewater or water main projects.
(4) Approach main reimbursement may be equal to, but not greater than, 100% of the cost for the water or wastewater approach main incurred by developer.
(5) Frontage main reimbursement may be equal to, but not greater than 50% of the cost for the frontage main incurred by the developer.
(6) Front foot charges will be assessed for a period of 20 years, commencing on the date that the city accepts the water or wastewater main.
(7) Collections and reimbursements of front foot charges will cease when the developer has been fully reimbursed or the time period for assessment of front foot charges has lapsed, whichever occurs first.
(8) Reimbursement shall be made solely from front foot charges collected by the city during the period that front foot charges are assessed for the water or wastewater service line connections and point of connections to the water or wastewater main extension.
(9) Any assignment of front foot charges must be approved by the water department director prior to the execution of the assignment.
(10) Existing community facilities agreements with mains, or other facilities, eligible for front foot charge collections will continue under the policy that was in effect at the time the agreement was executed.
(11) The reimbursement limit, together with the project number, date construction was completed, permanent record number of main, limits of portion of the main upon which front foot charges are collectible, and name of the entity entitled to the refund shall be documented by the city.
(12) Upon written request by the developer during the month of November, reimbursements will be made annually during the last two months of the calendar year from which front foot charges were paid to the city.
(13) It is the responsibility of the developer/landowner requesting the refund to prove their eligibility to receive the reimbursement due.
(14) In the event the developer/single customer property owner fails to request a reimbursement of front foot charges within six months after the expiration of the eligibility to receive funds, such un-reimbursed front foot charges shall become the property of the city.
(15) The amount of refund due to the developer each year shall be the assessed front foot charge collected that year multiplied by the developer's development cost percentage. The remaining portion of the amount collected that year shall be retained by the city as an offset against the development cost incurred by the city.
(16) The city will recover the city development cost for city-initiated approach water and/or sewer main projects or city participation in a developer-initiated approach water and/or sewer main. The city's collection time will cease when city development cost has been fully reimbursed.
(1964 Code, § 37-26.1) (Ord. 5925, § 1, passed - -; Ord. 7059, § 1, passed 9-16-1974; Ord. 7116, § 1, passed 1-20-1975; Ord. 7413, § 1, passed 8-30-1976; Ord. 7621, § 1, passed 9-13-1977; Ord. 7673, § 1, passed 12-13-1977; Ord. 7710, § 1, passed 3-7-1978; Ord. 7753, § 1, passed 6-6-1978; Ord. 7908, § 1, passed 9-12-1978; Ord. 7851, § 1, passed 11-30-1978; Ord. 7893, § 1, passed 3-13-1979; Ord. 7922, § 1, passed 6-12-1979; Ord. 7974, § 1, passed 9-11-1979; Ord. 8019, § 1, passed 12-18-1979; Ord. 8063, § 1, passed 3-11-1980; Ord. 8106, § 1, passed 6-10-1980; Ord. 8122, § 1, passed 7-1-1980; Ord. 8165, § 1, passed 9-9-1980; Ord. 8241, § 1, passed 12-23-1980; Ord. 8287, § 1, passed 3-10-1981; Ord. 8361, § 1, passed 6-16-1981; Ord. 8423, § 1, passed 9-22-1981; Ord. 8487, § 1, passed 12-15-1981; Ord. 8542, § 1, passed 3-30-1982; Ord. 8576, § 1, passed 6-1-1982; Ord. 8661, § 1, passed 10-5-1982; Ord. 8706, § 1, passed 12-21-1982; Ord. 8865, § 1, passed 7-12-1983; Ord. 8952, § 1, passed 10-18-1983; Ord. 8995, § 1, passed 12-22-1983; Ord. 9126, § 1, passed 6-19-1984; Ord. 9270, § 1, passed 12-18-1984; Ord. 9438, § 1, passed 7-30-1985; Ord. 9534, § 1, passed 12-17-1985; Ord. 9654, § 1, passed 6-17-1986; Ord. 9892, § 1, passed 6-16-1987; Ord. 10030, § 1, passed 12-22-1987; Ord. 10122, § 1, passed 6-7-1988; Ord. 10220, § 1, passed 12-13-1988; Ord. 10326, § 1, passed 6-20-1989; Ord. 10463, § 1, passed 12-12-1989; Ord. 10583, § 1, passed 5-25-1990; Ord. 10622, § 1, passed 6-26-1990; Ord. 10752, § 1, passed 12-18-1990; Ord. 10855, § 1, passed 6-4-1991; Ord. 10978, § 1, passed 12-19-1991; Ord. 17622, § 1, passed 6-19-2007, eff. 10-1-2007; Ord. 21342-07-2014, § 1, passed 7-22-2014; Ord. 23708-06-2019, § 1, passed 6-25-2019; Ord. 26623-12-2023, §§ 1, 2, passed 12-12-2023, eff. 1-1-2024)