It shall be unlawful for any person, individually or in association with others, to willfully break, injure or tamper with any part of the water or sewer system of the city, for any purpose whatsoever, or in any other manner to maliciously interfere with or prevent the running and operation of such system and water supply therefor or any portion thereof.
(1964 Code, § 37-17)
All of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed to be incorporated in every contract between the city and its water or sanitary sewerage service customers, and each customer or consumer shall be charged with knowledge of the provisions of this chapter and, by applying for and accepting water or sanitary sewerage service from the city, to have assented to the provisions of this chapter.
(1964 Code, § 37-18)
The right is reserved in the city and its water department to temporarily discontinue, disconnect and reconnect without notice water and sanitary sewerage service to all customers for the purpose of making repairs, connections, extensions and cleaning of mains, machinery, reservoir or any part of the city waterworks. None of the terms of this chapter shall ever be construed as requiring the city water department to maintain a specified constant pressure in its lines.
(1964 Code, § 37-19)
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to build, construct or maintain a dam, embankment or fill over or across any natural watercourse in the city for the purpose of impounding or diverting water, except upon full compliance with the requirements of this section.
(b) Before beginning the construction or building of any dam, embankment, fill or obstruction over or across a natural watercourse in the city, or doing any work in connection with the construction or building of such structure, a person is hereby required to present an application for a permit to do such construction work to the city council, and secure a permit from the city council, authorizing such construction. Such application shall be accompanied with a description of the project, showing its location, plans, specifications, distance from the nearest streets and thoroughfares and the approximate number of residences within a radius of 2,000 feet together with the general description of the topography of the surrounding area, and such other pertinent facts as may show that the water that is impounded or diverted will not constitute a menace to the health of the community, will not impair the natural drainage in the immediate area, and will not materially interfere with travel over and along streets and thoroughfares in the vicinity.
(c) NATURAL WATERCOURSES, as used in this section, shall mean and include any stream with bed and banks or any gully, ravine or valley through which water ordinarily flows, either regularly or intermittently.
(1964 Code, § 27-7)
(a) Purpose and scope. The purpose of this section is to establish the city’s policy in the event of shortages or delivery limitations in the city’s water supply and to establish water restrictions to be enforced in case of drought or emergency conditions. This section applies to:
(1) All persons and premises within the city using water from the water system;
(2) All retail customers who live in unincorporated areas within the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction and are served by the water system; and
(3) All wholesale service customers outside the city to the extent provided in subsection (k) below.
(b) Drought contingency and emergency management plan. The provisions of the most recently City Council-adopted Drought Contingency and Emergency Water Management Plan are hereby adopted and incorporated into this code by reference.
(c) Authority. The city manager is authorized to implement measures prescribed when required by this section and by the drought contingency/emergency water management plan approved by the city council. The director is authorized to enforce the measures implemented and to promulgate regulations, not in conflict with this section or state and federal laws, in aid of enforcement.
(d) Initiation of plan stages. The director, upon determination that drought conditions or a water emergency exists, shall advise the city manager. The city manager may order that the appropriate stage of the drought contingency/emergency water management plan be initiated. To be effective, the order must be:
(1) Made by public announcement to the news media;
(2) Published on the city’s website; and
(3) Published in a newspaper of general circulation in the city.
(e) Duration of stage; change. A stage will remain in effect until the conditions that triggered initiation of the stage have been eliminated. If the stage is initiated because of excessive demands, all initiated actions will remain in effect through September 30 of the year in which they were triggered unless the city manager determines that conditions exist that will allow termination of the stage before September 30. Upon recommendation of the director, the city manager may terminate, upgrade or downgrade the stage. Any such change must be made in the same manner prescribed in subsection (d) above.
(f) Violation of section. A person commits an offense if he or she knowingly makes, causes or permits a use of water contrary to the measures implemented by the city manager as prescribed in the drought contingency/emergency water management plan. For purposes of this subsection (f), it is presumed that a person has knowingly made, caused or permitted a use of water contrary to the measures implemented if the mandatory measures have been formally ordered consistent with the terms of subsection (d) above and:
(1) The manner of use has been prohibited by the drought contingency/emergency water management plan;
(2) The amount of water used exceeds that allowed by the drought contingency/emergency water management plan; or
(3) The manner or amount used violates the terms and conditions of a compliance agreement made pursuant to a variance granted by the director pursuant to subsection (h) below.
(g) Penalties for violation. Any person who is convicted of violating, disobeying, omitting, neglecting or refusing to comply with a measure implemented in accordance with this section and the drought contingency/emergency water management plan may be fined not more than $2,000 for each offense in accordance with § 1-6(c). In addition, the following penalties shall apply:
(1) A person who is convicted of violating, disobeying, omitting, neglecting or refusing to comply with a measure implemented in accordance with this section and stage 2 of the drought contingency/ emergency water management plan shall be fined not less than $250;
(2) A person who is convicted of violating, disobeying, omitting, neglecting or refusing to comply with a measure implemented in accordance with this section and stage 3 of the drought contingency/ emergency water management plan shall be fined not less than $500;
(3) If a person is convicted of violating, disobeying, omitting, neglecting or refusing to comply with a measure implemented in accordance with this section and the drought contingency/emergency water management plan two times, the director may install a flow restrictor in the water line to the premises where the violations occurred to limit the amount of water that may pass through the meter in a 24-hour period or a lock-out device to a backflow assembly; and
(4) If a person is convicted of violating, disobeying, omitting, neglecting or refusing to comply with a measure implemented in accordance with this section and the drought contingency/emergency water management plan three times, the director may discontinue water service to the premises where the violation occurred.
(h) Variances. During the times the emergency order is operative, the director may grant variances only under the following circumstances and conditions:
(1) The applicant signs a compliance agreement on a form provided by the director, and approved by the city attorney, agreeing to use the water only in the amount and manner permitted by the variance;
(2) Granting of the variance would not cause an immediate significant reduction in the city’s water supply;
(3) Failure to approve the variance would result in an extreme hardship or need relating to the health, safety or welfare of the applicant; and
(4) Granting the variance would not adversely affect the premises at which the violation occurred.
(i) Revocation of variances. The director may revoke a variance when he or she determines that:
(1) The conditions of subsection (h) above are not being met or are no longer applicable;
(2) The terms of the compliance agreement are being violated; or
(3) Revocation is advisable to protect the health, safety or welfare of other persons.
(j) Appeal. Denial or revocation of a variance by the director can be appealed to the city manager by filing a written notice of appeal with the city manager within ten days after issuance of the director’s decision. The city manager’s decision shall be final.
(k) Wholesale service to customers outside the city. The director shall advise customers receiving wholesale water service from the city of actions taken under the drought contingency/emergency water management plan. The director may restrict service to customers outside the city as permitted under the contract and state law.
(l) Authority under other laws. Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the authority of the mayor, the city council or the city manager to seek emergency relief under the provisions of any state or federal disaster relief act.
(Ord. 11572, § 1, passed 5-24-1994; Ord. 13912, §§ 1, 2, passed 8-24-1999; Ord. 15136, § 1, passed 6-18-2002; Ord. 16379, § 1, passed 4-19-2005; Ord. 18088, §§ 1, 2, passed 5-13-2008; Ord. 20759-05-2013, passed 5-21-2013, eff. 5-28-2013; Ord. 21194-04-2014, § 1, passed 4-8-2014, eff. 4-16-2014; Ord. 23569-02-2019, § 2, passed 2-12-2019, eff. 2-23-2019; Ord. 23633-04-2019, § 1, passed 4-9-2019; Ord. 26887-04-2024, § 2, passed 4-23-2024, eff. 5-3-2024)
Editor’s note:
Exhibit “A,” as referenced in subsection (b) is not setout herein, but is on file in the offices of the city.
(a) City supply must be adequate. Under no circumstances shall water be furnished by the city to any applicant or customer unless the supply of the city is adequate. In cases of emergency, priority of users of the city’s water supply shall be determined by the director, subject to the requirements of state law and § 35-23.
(b) Revisions. The city council may from time to time, upon recommendation of the city manager and the director, make revisions in the emergency water management plan approved under § 35-23(b) if prudent conservation requires the revisions.
(Ord. 11572, § 2, passed 5-24-1994)
(a) Reasons for temporary discontinuance. The director is authorized to temporarily discontinue service to premises for the following reasons:
(1) When a main break or other failure in the water or wastewater systems could injure persons, private or city property, or other parts of the systems;
(2) To perform routine maintenance or repair to any part of the water or wastewater systems;
(3) To perform emergency maintenance or repair to any part of the water or wastewater systems;
(4) In other cases of emergency, when necessary to protect the general health, safety or welfare of persons; or
(5) To make a connection to a newly constructed or relocated water or wastewater main.
(b) Responsibilities upon temporary discontinuance. In all cases of temporary discontinuance, the director must restore service as soon as is practical and must take all reasonable steps necessary to protect the public health and safety under the circumstances.
(Ord. 11572, § 3, passed 5-24-1994)
The following restrictions shall apply to all customers of or persons who receive water from the city water supply:
(a) The following uses of water are defined as
WASTING WATER and are strictly prohibited:
(1) Permitting or causing water to flow, spray or otherwise move or be discharged from the premises of any person responsible for any property within the corporate limits of the city to or upon any street, alley or other public right-of-way, ditch or drain, unless same is caused as a result of weather conditions or such other uncontrollable events; and
(2) Failing to repair a leak in a private plumbing system or in an irrigation system within five working days of the discovery or notification of same.
(b) When referred to in this subsection (b),
SWIMMING POOL shall mean any portable or permanent structure containing or holding a body of water 24 inches or more in depth and containing 1,000 gallons or more of water and intended for recreational purposes, including a wading pool. All swimming pools utilizing diamoteceous earth filters which are constructed 60 days after the effective date of this section shall be equipped with filtration, pumping and recirculation systems which provide for recycling of filter backwash water.
(Ord. 11572, § 4, passed 5-24-1994; Ord. 12582, § 1, passed 7-16-1996)