Should any meter fail to register correctly the amount of reclaimed water used by a user since the previous reading, the right shall exist on the part of the water department to charge for reclaimed water service on the basis of three month’s average.
(Ord. 19543-02-2011, § 1, passed 2-8-2011)
Bills for reclaimed water service shall become due and payable to the city, at the office of the Water department, city hall, 1000 Throckmorton Street, within 21 days from the date of the bill. If a customer has not paid the bill in full within 24 days of the date of the bill, a 5% late fee shall be assessed against all unpaid current charges on the bill.
(Ord. 19543-02-2011, § 1, passed 2-8-2011)
The delivery of reclaimed water by the city and the acceptance and use of the reclaimed water by the user is not a transfer or an acquisition by the user of a water right or an ownership interest in any of the offsite facilities.
(Ord. 19543-02-2011, § 1, passed 2-8-2011)
(a) The city may allow for the transport of reclaimed water from its wastewater treatment facilities by a permitted vehicle to an approved use area.
(b) Reclaimed water shall be made available for transport by vehicle only under the terms and conditions provided herein and only to such persons as are duly permitted by the city as distributors as provided in this section.
(c) The city shall not be obligated to provide such reclaimed water to distributors and may discontinue such service at any time, or limit the volume of reclaimed water provided and amend loading procedures and/or locations.
(Ord. 19543-02-2011, § 1, passed 2-8-2011)
(a) A reclaimed water transportation permit is required to transport reclaimed water from a city facility to an approved use.
(b) No reclaimed water transportation permit shall be issued except upon application filed with the water department.
(Ord. 19543-02-2011, § 1, passed 2-8-2011)
A person must make an application for a reclaimed water transportation permit and shall submit the following with the application:
(a) A photocopy of the applicant’s valid driver’s license and photocopies of valid driver’s license for every proposed driver of the reclaimed water transportation vehicles. If drivers are later hired or approved by the applicant/user, the applicant/user must submit photocopies of a valid driver’s license for each new person hired or approved prior to that person transporting reclaimed water;
(b) Sufficient evidence that vehicles to be permitted, are insured in at least the minimum amounts as required by state law, or are self-insured as provided by state law to secure payment of all lawful and proper claims arising out of the operation of each vehicle. The insurance shall provide for at least a 30-day prior cancellation notice to the director. A written statement from an authorized agent of the applicant’s insurance carrier verifying the issuance of such insurance shall be filed with the director before a permit is issued;
(c) Proof of registration and good standing with the Texas Secretary of State; and
(d) Any additional information requested by the director.
(Ord. 19543-02-2011, § 1, passed 2-8-2011)
(a) Before a permit is issued, each vehicle must satisfactorily pass city inspection and meet the following requirements:
(1) The business name, telephone number and address of applicant shall be permanently displayed on both sides of the vehicle in letters of a minimum height of three inches, in a color contrasting to their background. An address is sufficient if it states city and state. If the applicant’s business is not within municipality, the name of the county and state will be sufficient;
(2) The vehicle shall display current state vehicle registration tags and inspection certificate; and
(3) The vehicle shall be clean and odor free.
(b) Each container unit to be used for the transportation of reclaimed water shall be separately permitted and must meet the following requirements:
(1) Container units or tanks shall have a minimum capacity of 1,000 gallons, shall be capable of being closed water tight and shall be so closed during transport of reclaimed water; and shall be maintained in a leak-proof condition. Special permits may be issued for container units with a capacity of less than 1,000 gallons upon the determination by the director that all other container unit specifications herein required have been met and that the particular container unit does not create an increased risk to the public health and safety; and
(2) Container units shall be identified by labels or signs such as “CAUTION - RECLAIMED WATER DO NOT DRINK” in English and Spanish. Labels or signs shall be placed so that they can be seen readily by all operations personnel using the vehicle and container unit.
(Ord. 19543-02-2011, § 1, passed 2-8-2011)