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   (a)   Maximum impact fees per service unit shall be calculated for wastewater facilities within the wastewater benefit area and for water facilities within the water benefit area and shall be the amount set forth in Schedule 1, attached hereto and made a part of this division by reference.
   (b)   The impact fee per service unit for each category of capital improvements, which is to be paid by each new development within the benefit area, shall be that established by the city council, as may be amended from time to time, and shall be not more than the maximum impact fee per service unit established in subsection (a) above. Impact fees which are to be paid shall be as set forth in Schedule 2, attached hereto and made a part of this division by reference.
   (c)   Impact fee Schedules 1 and 2 may be amended from time to time utilizing the amendment procedure set forth in § 35-70.13.
(Ord. 10601, § 1(1.08), passed 6-5-1990; Ord. 10871, § 2, passed 7-2-1991; Ord. 11328, §§ 3, 4, passed 6-1-1993; Ord. 13810, §§ 3, 4, passed 5-25-1999; Ord. 15745, §§ 3, 4, passed 11-11-2003, Ord. 15982, §§ 3, 4, passed 5-18-2004; Ord. 16648, §§ 1, 2, passed 10-11-2005; Ord. 18593-05-2009, §§ 1, 2, passed 5-5-2009, eff. 6-1-2009; Ord. 20406-09-2012, §§ 3, 4, passed 9-18-2012, eff. 1-1-2013; Ord. 22525-12-2016, §§ 3, 4, passed 12-6-2016, eff. 4-1-2017; Ord. 25101-09-2021, §§ 3, 4, passed 9-21-2021, eff. 1-1-2022)