51.001 Purpose and policy
51.002 Record retentions
51.003 Ordinance modification
51.004 Recovery of costs
General Provisions
51.015 Definitions
51.016 Interpretation of references
51.017 Rules and regulations
51.018 Application for service
51.019 Charges for service to begin immediately
51.020 Right of entry; fee
51.021 Responsibility for charges
51.022 Liens established on property
51.023 Bills to be mailed; payment
51.024 Meter reading; estimates
51.025 Rebates and adjustments
51.026 Limitation on water use or sewer system discharge
51.027 Connection permits; renewal fees
51.028 Notification of transfer requirements
51.029 Fire hydrants
51.030 Rate charge relief
51.031 Water tap fees; sewer tap fees; reduced permit fees for certain water and sewer connections
51.032 Well water disposal to wastewater treatment system
51.033 Regulating the use of water and sanitary systems
Water Connections, Usage and Charges
51.045 Revenue and expenses
51.046 No guarantee of supply
51.047 Prohibited uses; inadequate supply
51.048 Shut-off for maintenance or repair
51.049 Damage or obstruction; cross-connections; unauthorized connection taps
51.050 Unauthorized sale of water
51.051 Fire hydrants
51.052 Opening cocks or stops
51.053 Water meters
51.054 Charges for water supplied within village
51.055 Charges for water supplied outside village
51.056 Regulations for water supplied to containers
51.057 Statements; penalties; discontinuance of service
51.058 No rebate for leaks
51.059 Connection permit required
51.060 Permit application information
51.061 Service and privileges authorized by connection permit
51.062 Responsibilities of property owner or consumer
51.063 Meter location, boxes; service lines
51.064 Type of meter required
51.065 Unauthorized taps
51.066 Lot and utility strip locations restricted
51.067 Peak demand flow
51.068 Separate connections required
51.069 Inspection before approval
51.070 Extension generally
51.071 Installation charges generally
51.072 Standards for construction
51.073 Sprinkler system charges
51.085 General provisions
51.086 Discharges prohibited
51.087 Pretreatment required
51.088 High strength surcharges
51.089 Unit cost recovery
51.090 Slug discharge fee
51.091 Metering and monitoring fees
51.092 Pretreatment; monitoring facilities
51.093 Pretreatment; inspections and sampling
51.094 Enforcement; emergency suspension of service
51.095 Revocation of treatment service
Sewer Connections, Usage and Charges
51.105 Revenue and expenses
51.106 No guarantee of service
51.107 Damage or obstruction; unauthorized connections
51.108 Unauthorized service
51.109 Shutoff for maintenance or repair
51.110 Lines under construction to be sealed
51.111 Unpolluted water prohibited
51.112 Process or cooling water to storm drain
51.113 Calculation of charge
51.114 Charges for sewer service
51.115 Statements; penalties; discontinuance of service
51.116 Connection permit required
51.117 Permit application information
51.118 Inspection before approval
51.119 Extensions under pavement
51.120 Service and privileges authorized by connection permit
51.121 Responsibilities of property owner or consumer
51.122 Unauthorized taps
51.123 Peak demand flow
51.124 Separate connection required
51.125 Privies, cesspools and private sewers prohibited if public sewer available
51.126 Responsibility for charges
51.127 Use of public sewers required
51.128 Building sewers and connection
51.129 Use of public sewers
51.130 Protection from damage
51.131 Powers and authority of inspectors
51.132 Non-acceptable waste
51.133 Control of non-acceptable wastes
51.134 Tests, measurements and analysis
51.135 Violations; notice
51.999 Penalty