(A) Water meters remain the property of the village at all times.
(B) No person shall break or tamper with the seal on any water meter except as authorized by the Water and Sewer Superintendent/Village Administrator.
(C) Water meters damaged by misuse, accident or any other act will be repaired or replaced by the village and the cost of such repair or replacement shall be charged to the owner or consumer of the premises served by the damaged meter as are water charges.
(D) No person shall remove any meter except as authorized by the Water and Sewer Superintendent/Village Administrator.
(E) Any meter may be removed or replaced by the Water and Sewer Superintendent/Village Administrator for tests, repairs or other purpose.
(F) Owners and consumers shall maintain the premises served to permit free access to water meters.
(G) The Water and Sewer Superintendent/Village Administrator, as his or her work schedule permits, will relocate any water meter to a water meter box or will install a remote register device, at the option of the Water and Sewer Superintendent/Village Administrator, when a property owner requests such relocation or installation and pay to the Board an amount equal to the cost of such relocation or installation.
(H) The Water and Sewer Superintendent/Village Administrator may disconnect the supply of water to an owner or consumer when the owner’s or consumer’s water service line or water distribution system leaks unreasonably and such water supply shall not be reconnected until the water service line or water distribution system is repaired to a good condition.
(Ord. O-31-80, passed 1-5-1981) Penalty, see § 51.999