Each consumer or owner whose premises within the village is connected to the sewer system shall pay to the village for the connection and for sewer service for each dwelling, commercial, manufacturing or other unit served, a service charge as follows, together with such additional charges based on the amount of water consumed per monthly billing at the usage rates shown below.
   (A)   Service charge.
      (1)   Residential users: $26 per month;
      (2)   Commercial users: $30 per month; and
      (3)   Heavy users, heavy users being defined as those consumers or owners discharging 15,000 gallons per month of metered water into the sanitary sewer system, regardless of the source of said water: $35 per month.
   (B)   Additional usage.
Sewer Charges
First 4,000 gallons or lessor amount per billing
$3.70 per 1,000 gallons
All usage over 4,000 gallons up to 20,000 gallons per billing
$4.70 per 1,000 gallons
All usage over 20,000 up to 100,000 gallons per billing
$3.70 per 1,000 gallons
All usage over 100,000 gallons
$3.55 per 1,000 gallons
   (C)   Minimum service charge. In no case shall the minimum service charge be less than $26 per month. Customers located within the village corporation limits who are customers of the sanitary sewer system but are not customers of the village water system, shall pay either a minimum charge per month equal to that owed by a customer of the village water system using 8,000 gallons per month, or shall pay in accordance with the foregoing schedule based upon their metered usage from their own private water system, said metered usage to be determined by said customer installing, at his or her own expense, an approved water meter upon their private water system. Said customers shall elect the method of charge in writing and shall notify the village of said election. Service to industrial establishments may be by contract if it is determined that this is in the best interest of the village.
(Ord. O-31-80, passed 1-5-1981; Ord. O-04-2007, passed 3-20-2007)