(A) The public fire hydrants are to be used exclusively for extinguishing fires, for the necessary practice and drill of the Fire Department and for flushing hydrants. No person or persons except the members of the Fire Department acting under orders of the proper authorities, and the authorized agents of the village shall be allowed to open any fire hydrant.
(B) It shall be unlawful except in time of fire to draw or cause the water to be removed from any public cistern or fire plug, or turn off or on the water in any such water pipe, or remove the cover of any fire plug, or stop gate or in any way or manner injure the buildings, water source or other apparatus belonging to the village; and the person so offending shall be subject to costs of suit and amount of damages sustained in addition to any other penalty provided by the terms of this chapter.
(Ord. O-31-80, passed 1-5-1981) Penalty, see § 51.999