20.16.070   Density.
   A.   A gross density averaging between five and ten dwelling units per acre shall be allowed for planned development district 2, as established by the general plan, and five to seven dwelling units per acre shall constitute the density entitlement of projects which meet the minimum development standards of this chapter as well as the special findings required before a site plan for a development proposed pursuant to this chapter may be approved under Section 20.16.160. Density increments up to the maximum allowed by this section may be approved in order to provide an incentive for design excellence. Criteria for such density increments shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
   1.   Where the planned development project to be approved preserves natural features that enhance both the specific development proposed and the community, including trees, scenic points, view corridors, unique geological formations and other community assets.
   2.   Where review of the proposed development indicates distinctive design, including site planning, structural design, architectural treatments, and the harmonious blending of buildings and landscaping.
   3.   Where usable open space is maximized and where greenbelt areas and/or parkland facilities are provided.
   4.   Where passive recreational areas adjacent to the Alamitos Number 1 Historical Landmark are provided.
   5.   Where the circulation system of the proposed development, if there is one, provides for the separation of pedestrian, vehicular and bicycle traffic.
   6.   Where buildings, structures, open space improvements, access streets and circulation systems are designed and located so as to minimize expansive impervious surface areas.
   7.   Where the proposed development provides for the use of passive and active energy conservation measures.
   8.   Where a development to be accomplished in stages is designed to coordinate improvement of open space, construction of buildings, structures and dwelling units so that each development stage achieves a proportionate share of open space and environmental quality of the total planned development.
   B.   Any person constructing a project of five or more dwelling units may apply for one or more bonus incentives, to complement general plan housing element policy where twenty-five percent of the units to be constructed in a project of five or more units are to be constructed for low to moderate income households or when ten percent of the units in such a project are constructed for low income households as defined by the California Health and Safety Code and as approved by the city council. The acceptable combination of incentives shall be as determined by the city council, provided that any individual incentive or combination of incentives shall have the equivalent financial value of at least a twenty-five percent density bonus. Potential bonus incentives shall be as follows:
   1.   A density bonus not to exceed twenty-five percent over the otherwise permitted density. The density bonus shall not be included when determining the number of housing units which are equal to the ten percent or twenty-five percent of the project constructed for low or moderate income households;
   2.   Exemption of the development from the requirements of Section 18.21.120;
   3.   Relief from the construction of public improvements appurtenant to the proposed development, which may include, but shall not be limited to, streets, sewers, and sidewalks;
   4.   Utilization of federal or state grant moneys or local revenues to provide land for the project at reduced cost;
   5.   Waiver of building, zoning, subdivision, or environmental impact fees and deposits;
   6.   Expedited case processing;
   7.   Exemption of the project from any other municipal code provisions which may cause an increase in the cost of the housing units to be developed.
   In order to ensure compliance with this subsection, the owner(s) of the property to be developed and/or the developer shall execute and record an agreement with the city, in a form approved by the city attorney. The city council shall ensure that units constructed for low or moderate income households, where bonus incentives have been provided pursuant to this subsection, are sold or leased to persons and/or families of low or moderate income.
(Ord. 87-02-987 § 5 (part); Ord. 86-03-969 § 5 (part), 1986)