20.16.140   Signs.
   Unlighted signs shall be permitted in this district only as provided in this section:
   A.   Nameplates. Nameplates shall be permitted provided they do not exceed two square feet in area, displaying only the following:
   1.   Name of the premises upon which it is displayed;
   2.   Name of the owner or lessee of the premises; and
   3.   Address of the premises.
   B.   Project Identification Signs. Project identification signs for each development of five units or more, not to exceed twenty-four square feet in total area or eight feet in any dimension shall be permitted. Project identification signs shall contain only the name of the development and street address.
   C.   For Rent or For Sale Signs. "For rent" and "For sale" signs shall be permitted. Not more than two such signs, not exceeding a total of six square feet in area, shall be permitted on any lot or parcel.
   D.   Subdivision Signs–On Site. Subdivision signs shall be permitted as follows:
   1.   Temporary real estate signs advertising real property which has been subdivided for purposes of sale or lease shall be permitted subject to the following conditions:
   a.   The construction of any sign shall be in strict compliance with the provisions of this title and all other laws of the city.
   b.   The sign shall remain only as long as some portion of the property originally advertised for sale remains unsold.
   c.   The signs shall be located on the premises which they advertise.
   d.   No sign shall exceed one hundred square feet in area.
   e.   Identification signs containing the tract name are permitted provided there shall be not more than one such sign for each three lots. Said signs shall not exceed four square feet.
   f.   Signs are permitted on the same lot with a model home provided they do not exceed four in number and ten square feet each in area. Said signs shall be removed after the developer concludes the initial sale of the lots or homes to their initial owners.
   E.   Subdivision Signs–Off-site–Temporary Real Estate Directional Signs. Temporary real estate directional signs may be erected and maintained, subject to conditional use permit, to direct prospective purchasers to a subdivision having lots or houses for sale, provided said signs do not create hazardous traffic conditions. Such signs shall be subject to the following standards in addition to any conditions of the conditional use permit which the commission determines further the purposes of this chapter:
   1.   The signs shall advertise only the name of the tract, simple directions to its location, and slogan, if any.
   2.   The sign shall not exceed eighty square feet in area.
   3.   The sign shall be set back not less than eight feet from the front property line.
   4.   The top of the sign shall not exceed fourteen feet in height above the land upon which it is located.
(Ord. 87-02-987 § 5 (part); Ord. 86-03- 969 § 5 (part), 1986)