20.16.170   Single-family detached dwelling units.
   A.   Purpose. It is the goal of the city to provide a mix of housing opportunities, including single-family residential neighborhoods, within residential districts. To this end, within the PD-1 and PD-2 districts, for projects where area of the parcels exceed forty thousand square feet (prior to dedications), at least thirty percent of the dwelling units shall be single-family detached units, except as otherwise provided herein.
   B.   Reduction in Single-family Units. With approval by the planning commission of a conditional use permit the percentage of single-family detached dwelling units may be reduced, within the PD-1 and PD-2 districts, but shall not be less than fifteen percent of the total dwelling units; provided, that the planning commission makes one or more of the following findings:
   1.   Slopes in excess of fifteen percent, or other features of topography; excessive grading; lack of usable open space; the protection of views; unusual site constraints and encumbrances including easement, oil leases, etc.; excessive public improvements, public utility requirements; or other exceptional conditions make it desirable to reduce the percentage of dwelling units required to be single-family detached;
   2.   The findings required by Chapter 20.64 to grant a conditional use permit have been made. Any fractional results shall be rounded up.
   C.   Calculation of Single-family Units. Where a density bonus has been granted pursuant to Sections 20.14.070(B) and 20.16.070(B), the percentage of single-family detached dwelling units required by this section shall be determined based upon the gross number of units in the project after the bonus has been granted.
(Ord. 87-02-987 § 5(E) (part))