Any customer of the rental referral agency or any resident of Oak Park shall have the right to file a complaint against the licensee with the Administrator of the Community Relations Department or with the Village Law Department. The Community Relations Department shall attempt to conciliate the complaint. In the event the complaint cannot be conciliated by the Department, then the Community Relations Commission shall hold an informal hearing with all the parties upon reasonable notice to resolve the grievance. The failure of the licensee, or its designated representative, to attend said proceedings without cause shall constitute an admission of the truth of the complaint and may be used as such in any proceeding against the licensee pursuant to Section 8-19-7. The complainant or the Village may file a complaint in the Circuit Court for appropriate relief from the alleged violation.
Upon complaint or upon its own initiative, the Community Relations Department or Law Department may initiate license revocation proceeding with the Community Relations Commission. If the Community Relations Commission finds, by a preponderance of the evidence that a licensee has engaged in a pattern and practice of violating the provisions of this Article, said license shall be revoked, the bond forfeited to the extent necessary to make whole all aggrieved customers and/or residents of Oak Park, and said person shall be subject to the penalties established by Section 1-1-5 of the Oak Park Village Code. The proceedings shall be governed by the rules established in Section 8-1-14 of the Oak Park Village Code.
Any person, firm or corporation maintaining or operating any storage tank for gasoline for the use of the vehicles of the owner, lessee, employees or agents of such person, firm or corporation, shall comply with all of the provisions of this Article, other than the requirements for payment of a fee.
No motor fuels shall be dispensed at any service station except into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles, when such tanks are connected with carburetion systems of such vehicles, provided, however, that individual sales up to five (5) gallons may be made in metal receptacles when painted red and labeled in full conformity with the Illinois Red Can Gasoline Law. Such individual sales shall be limited to five (5) gallons to any one person at any one time.