Every junk dealer, who shall receive or be in possession of any article which may have been lost or stolen, or alleged to have been lost or stolen, shall present the same to any member of the Police Department on demand. The officer receiving such property shall arrange for a receipt for same to be delivered to the dealer. If, after investigation by the police, it can reasonably be determined that the property so delivered is neither lost nor stolen, then it shall be returned to the dealer and the Village receipt so noted.
In case any junk dealer shall remove his store or place of business from the place designated in the license, such keeper shall immediately thereupon give notice to the Village Clerk and have the same endorsed upon such license, and the address of such place of business shall thereupon be changed on the sides of the vehicles used by such licensed dealer, and made to correspond with such change of store or place of business.
8-16-1: Definitions
8-16-2: License Required; Application; Number Of Machines
8-16-3: Regulations
8-16-4: Equipment Requirements; Automatic Dry Cleaning Establishments
8-16-5: Equipment Installation; Automatic Dry Cleaning Establishments
8-16-6: Operation; Automatic Dry Cleaning Establishments
8-16-7: Maintenance Requirements; Automatic Dry Cleaning Establishments
The following words and phrases shall have the meanings, and are hereby defined, as follows:
AUTOMATIC DRY CLEANER: Any place, building, structure, room, establishment or portion thereof having within such premises one or more automatic dry cleaning machines for use by the general public either directly or through an attendant.
AUTOMATIC DRY CLEANING MACHINE: Any device or apparatus for the cleaning of clothes or fabrics and designed to be used or operated by the general public, or an employee of the owner thereof, which machine or device makes use of or contains a chemical solvent or substance which may cause harm to human beings by reason of inhalation or contact.
DRY CLEANING ESTABLISHMENT: Any structure, store, building or other place where the service of dry cleaning, wet cleaning as a process incidental to dry cleaning, dyeing, spotting and/or finishing any cloth fabric is rendered as a business or service.
LAUNDROMAT: Any place, building, structure, room, establishment or portion thereof having within such premises one or more self-service, coin operated washing machines which are available for use by the general public for a fee and for use upon such premises.
LAUNDRY: Any place, building, structure, room, establishment or portion thereof which is used for the purpose of washing, drying, starching or ironing shirts, dresses, collars, cuffs or other wearing apparel, table, bed or other household linens, towels, curtains, draperies, bedding or other washable fabrics for the general public.
A. A laundry as used in this article shall be held to include any private laundry maintained or operated in connection with any hotel, restaurant, public institution, hospital or charitable institution.
B. The provisions of this article shall not apply to any person engaged in doing custom laundry work at home for a regular family trade, nor to any room, or portion thereof, located in an apartment building, or other dwelling in which domestic laundry work is done by or for the occupants of such building exclusively. (1981 Code)
No person shall conduct, operate, maintain or carry on the business of a laundry, laundromat, dry cleaning establishment or automatic dry cleaning establishment within the village without first obtaining a license to do so and paying the fee set forth in article 2 of this chapter.
In addition to the information required on an application described in article 1 of this chapter, an application for a license under this article shall state the number of machine devices (whether under the control of the owner or his agent, or self-service, coin operated machines) proposed to be used in said business for washing, drying, dry cleaning or other laundry or dry cleaning processes. (1981 Code)
A. All persons owning or operating establishments licensed under this article shall comply with all the applicable provisions of the health and building codes of the village, as well as the applicable provisions regarding fire prevention contained in chapter 7, article 5 of this code.
B. In addition to any other fire extinguishing equipment required by law, there must be kept on the premises at all times in a conspicuous and easily accessible place one or more portable fire extinguishers adequate to extinguish any fires that might occur in connection with any machinery on the premises. Such extinguisher(s) shall be of a number and type prescribed by the Oak Park Fire Department.
C. No person who has tuberculosis, any acute or active venereal disease or any other communicable disease shall work in any laundry, laundromat, or dry cleaning establishment, and no owner, proprietor, manager or person in charge shall knowingly permit any such person to be employed therein.
D. Every laundry, laundromat or dry cleaning establishment shall be provided with separate toilet facilities for male and female employees. Every room or compartment in which any toilet is installed shall be provided with adequate ventilation and such equipment as the director of public health may deem necessary for the health and comfort of the persons employed therein, or using the facilities.
E. A separate room or partitioned space in a room, which is entirely separate from the room in which wearing apparel, linen or other fabrics are washed or dried, and which can be maintained in a dry and sanitary condition, shall be provided and maintained in every laundry as a cloak or locker room in which employees may keep their clothing. Should persons employed be required to wear any special or designated garment during working hours, such space or room shall be so arranged that the employees may make such changes as may be necessary.
F. Every machine or mechanical device in any laundry, laundromat or dry cleaning establishment that is operated by an employee or patron which emits or sends off excessive heat, shall be equipped with proper heat deflectors, hood and exhaust or other apparatus that will turn the heat from the room or place in which the same is located.
G. No laundry, laundromat or dry cleaning establishment situated in any building which is partially used for residence purposes shall be operated after the hour of ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. or before the hour of seven o'clock (7:00) A.M.
H. No person owning, maintaining, conducting or operating any laundry, laundromat or dry cleaning establishment in which wearing apparel, household linens, towels, bedding or any other fabrics are received and treated through the process of washing, shall remove or cause to be removed from such premises any laundered article, until the same has been thoroughly sterilized by keeping it in the washing machine, vat or other vessel provided for that purpose and the water therein has been brought to a boiling temperature or maintained at a temperature of one hundred seventy five degrees (175°) F. for at least twenty (20) minutes; or until subjecting it to live steam under pressure; or keeping it in a drying house or drying tumbler, in which the temperature is not less than two hundred fifteen degrees (215°) F. for a period of not less than fifteen (15) minutes; or until passing it through any ironing machine where the ironing surface is at a temperature of not less than two hundred twenty five degrees (225°) F., except in the case of such fabrics which would be injured by the foregoing processes, in which event the same shall be treated with soap, bleach or other such standard disinfectant solutions as shall be approved by the Director of Public Health.
I. Any person establishing a new laundry shall be required to submit to the Director of Public Health for his approval, a complete set of plans and specifications of the building in which such new laundry is to be located; also a complete diagram of the floor plan of each room to be occupied by such new laundry, correctly showing the arrangement of setting of all machinery and equipment to be installed therein, together with the height of the rooms.
No new laundry, which is to be used for the purpose of washing wearing apparel, table, bed or other household linens, towels, bedding or other washable fabrics shall be established in any tenement house situated in the Village.
If any existing laundry shall be vacated, discontinued or unused for a period of more than six (6) consecutive months and shall thereafter be reopened and reestablished as a laundry, such laundry shall be considered a new laundry and be subject to all of the provisions of this Article relating to a new laundry.
J. It shall be the duty of the Director of Public Health, and he is hereby authorized and empowered to inspect, or cause to be inspected, from time to time, all premises wherein laundries are conducted, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the provisions of this Article and all other ordinances of the Village and laws of the State, relative to the keeping and operating of laundries, are being complied with, and it shall be his duty to cause all such ordinances, provisions of this Code and other such laws to be strictly enforced.
In any establishment in which the act of cleaning is to be performed by clients thereof, and not the proprietor or his agent, the following shall apply:
K. Step-by-step operating instructions shall be posted conspicuously near each coin-operated machine provided for public use.
L. Each machine used in this activity shall be checked daily and at all times properly maintained and kept in a safe condition for public use.