General Provisions 1
Sidewalk And Driveway Construction 2
Excavations 3
Obstruction Of And Encroachments Upon Public Ways 4
Private Driveways 5
Underground Construction And Use 6
Outdoor Benches 7
Street Names And House Numbers 8
House Movers 9
Commercial Use Of Sidewalk Space 10
Vacation Of Streets And Alleys 11
Telecommunications Infrastructure
Maintenance Fee 12
Public Art 13
Small Wireless Facilities 14
System Of Numbering For Dwelling Units And Commercial/Office Units In Buildings 15
22-1-1: Hauling of Certain Materials Through Streets, Etc.
22-1-2: Injuring Pavement or Other Public Ground; Hindering Repair of Public Improvements
22-1-3: Leaving Openings in Streets and Sidewalks
22-1-4: Curb Line Grade; Determined by Grade of Improved Street
22-1-5: Curb Line Grade; Intersecting Streets to Determine
22-1-6: Sidewalk Slope
22-1-7: Grades to Reference Datum Bench Mark
Any person who shall engage in hauling stone, dirt, mortar, cinders, rubbish or other matter that may be likely to fall from the vehicle, shall see that the vehicle box shall be tight so that none of such matter shall sift through such box. Any articles falling from a vehicle shall be promptly removed from the street by the driver.
Any person neglecting or refusing to remove such dirt, sand, cinders, rubbish or other material from the street promptly shall be fined as provided in Section 1-1-5 of this Code for obstruction of a public way without a permit. In addition thereto the Director of Public Works shall cause such substance to be removed at the expense of the party so neglecting or refusing, who shall be liable to repay and refund to the Village the cost of removal, which cost shall be collected and paid into the Village treasury.