Purpose And Definitions   1
Administration Of Animal Program   2
Impounding Procedures   3
Owner's Duties   4
Prohibited Activities Of Owners And Others   5
Dealers In Household Pets   6
Veterinary Hospitals   7
5-1-1: Purpose Of Chapter
5-1-2: Definitions
It is the purpose of the Village of Oak Park to protect animals from neglect and abuse, to protect residents from annoyance and injury by animals, to assist in providing housing for animals in the custody of the Village, to cover the cost of licensing and caring for animals and to establish a program to discourage the excessive multiplication of animals. (Ord. 15-138, 8-3-2015)
The following words and phrases shall have the meanings, and are hereby defined, as follows:
ANIMAL: Every living creature, domestic or wild, not including human beings.
ANIMAL CONTROL ACT: The animal control act of the state of Illinois, 510 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/1 et seq., as amended.
ANIMAL CONTROL CENTER: A place designated by the Village Manager for the housing of animals in the temporary custody of the Village.
ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER: A person performing duties prescribed by the Village Manager to effectuate this chapter, including the power and authority to issue citations for any violations of this chapter.
   A.   Either secured by a leash or lead;
   B.   Within the premises of its owner, or confined within a crate or cage, or confined within a vehicle, or on the premises of another person with the consent of that person, provided that any animal not secured by a leash or lead and that is outdoors on the premises of its owner or outdoors on the premises of another person with consent of that person shall not be considered under restraint unless the animal is on a fenced portion of the premises and the fence is: 1) constructed to keep the animal from reaching through the fence; and 2) of sufficient height appropriate to the size of the animal to prevent the animal from jumping or reaching over the fence; or
   C.   Within an area specifically designated by the Park District of Oak Park or by the Village as a dog park, or as an animal exercise run, provided that the animal is under the control of a competent person.
BITE: Seizure with teeth or jaws of an animal so that the skin of a human being or an animal has been pierced or broken and further includes contact of the saliva of the biting animal with any break or abrasion of the skin of the human being or animal bitten.
CAT: Any live male or female cat (Felis catus).
DANGEROUS ANIMAL: Any animal which meets any one of the following conditions:
   A.   Any animal which bites, inflicts injury on, kills or otherwise attacks a human being or domestic animal without provocation on any public or private property; or
   B.   Any animal which on more than one occasion, without provocation, chases or approaches any person in an apparent attitude of attack, on any public property or in any place outside or over the boundaries of its owner's property; or
   C.   Any animal owned or harbored primarily or in part for the purpose of dog or other animal fighting or any animal trained for dog or other animal fighting; or
   D.   Any dog that is used as a guard dog; or
   E.   Any dog which has been found to be a vicious dog under state law.
DAYS: Any reference to the term "days" set forth in this article shall mean calendar days.
DOG: Any live male or female dog (Canis familiaris).
DOMESTIC ANIMAL: Any animal, except birds or fish, the ownership of which within the Village is not prohibited under section 5-4-10 of this chapter.
EUTHANASIA: Death brought about by any method which produces instant loss of consciousness and results in painless death.
GUARD DOG: Any dog used primarily for the purpose of defending, patrolling, or protecting property or life at a commercial establishment, not including any dog that is the property of any local, state or federal government body or agency.
IMPOUNDED: To be taken into the custody of the Village.
LICENSED DOG: Any dog four (4) months of age or older for which the owner can produce proof of having paid the license for the current year.
MICROCHIP: A passive electronic device that is injected into an animal by means of a prepackaged sterilized implanting device for purposes of identification or recovery.
NEUTERED ANIMAL: A male or female animal treated by a licensed veterinarian to render it incapable of reproduction.
OWNER: Any person who has: a) a right of property in the animal, b) keeps an animal, c) has an animal in his or her care or custody, or d) who knowingly permits an animal to remain on or about any premises occupied by him or her and feeds an animal.
PET: Any species of domesticated animals customarily regarded as suited to live within an abode used for human occupancy.
PROVOCATION: A wilful trespass or other tort, or committing or attempting to commit a crime upon premises occupied by the owner of an animal or the tormenting, abusing or assaulting of an animal.
RUN AT LARGE: To be free of restraint off the premises of the owner.
SERVICE ANIMAL: An animal trained in obedience and task skills to meet the needs of a disabled person as defined in the human care for animals act of the state of Illinois, 510 Illinois Compiled Statutes 70/2.01C, as amended, including dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.
SEVERE INJURY: Any physical injury that results in death, loss of soft tissue, a broken bone, hospitalization admittance, impairment of any bodily function, disfiguring laceration, laceration requiring sutures or cosmetic surgery or lacerations or puncture wounds caused by more than one bite or a bite to the face of a child under the age of sixteen (16).
SPECIAL ENCLOSURE: A fence or structure of at least six feet (6') in height, forming or causing an enclosure suitable to prevent the entry of young children, and suitable to confine a vicious or dangerous dog in conjunction with other measures which may be taken by the owner or keeper, such as tethering of a vicious dog within the enclosure. Such enclosure shall be securely enclosed and locked and designed with secure sides, top and bottom and shall be designed to prevent the animal from escaping from the enclosure.
STERILIZATION OR STERILIZE: The rendering of an animal unable to reproduce by altering the animal's reproductive organs. Sterilization includes the spaying of a female dog or cat, or the neutering of a male dog or cat.
STRAY ANIMAL: Any animal not under restraint and not in the presence of its owner.
VACCINATION: The injection of an antirabies vaccine as approved by the Illinois department of agriculture, with verification thereof consisting of a current certificate and current tag issued in accordance with the laws of the state of Illinois.
VETERINARY HOSPITAL: Any place used for the treatment of animals operated by a veterinarian and licensed by the state of Illinois.
VILLAGE MANAGER: The Village Manager or the Village Manager's designee. (Ord. 15-138, 8-3-2015)