No license or permit shall be transferable except with the consent of the Village and ratified by the Board of Trustees. An application for such transfer shall be in writing. The written application for such transfer shall contain the same information as requested herein for initial application for the license or permit.
Any person engaged in the business of installing or altering by contract electrical equipment for the utilization of electricity for light, heat or power. But the term "electrical contractor" shall not include the installing or altering of (a) radio apparatus or equipment for wireless reception of sounds and signals, or (b) apparatus, conductors or other equipment installed for or by the public utilities, including common carriers, which are under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Commerce Commission, for use in their operation as public utilities. Nor shall the term include the employees employed by an electrical contractor to do or supervise his work.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person registered under the provisions of this Article to install any electrical appliances, wiring or fixtures without first having obtained a permit to do so.
B. Any "electrical contractor" who is registered in any other municipality in this State must register in Oak Park but shall not be required to pay a fee for being registered in the Village.
The terms "factory" or "workshop" as used in this Article shall mean any building, room, premises or establishment where any goods, products, commodities or merchandise is manufactured, finished, printed, engraved, altered, repaired, cleaned or renovated, for sale or for wages.
This Article shall not apply to places or establishments specifically defined and required to be licensed by other provisions of this Code.