Any undertaker or funeral director not having an annual license, as required by this Article, may obtain a temporary license upon making application and qualifying therefor in the manner provided in the preceding sections and paying a temporary license fee in the amount required by Article 2 of this Chapter to the Village Clerk. The Village Clerk shall issue to such applicant a temporary license which shall be in force for a period of fifteen (15) days from the date of issuance.
In the absence of an annual license, a temporary license will not be required for the preparation for burial or cremation of dead human bodies of persons under ten (10) days of age.
8-23-1: License; Duty to Obtain
8-23-2: License Required; Exceptions
8-23-3: Definitions
8-23-4: License Classifications
8-23-5: Prize Fights and Similar Contests Prohibited
8-23-6: License Contents; Fees
8-23-7: New Location of Coin-Operated Machine Requires New License; Inspection
8-23-8: License; Board Authorization Required
8-23-9: Optional License
8-23-10: Gambling Prohibited by License Terms
8-23-11: Mutilating Entertainment Posters
8-23-12: No Seats Permitted in Aisles of Theaters
8-23-13: Doors of Places of Public Assemblage to Open Out
8-23-14: Duty to Preserve Order
8-23-15: Loitering at Licensed Premises Prohibited
8-23-16: Unobstructed View From Street Into Poolrooms, etc.
8-23-17: Poolrooms, etc., to Close by Midnight
8-23-18: Presence of Minors in Poolrooms, etc; Restricted
It shall be the duty of every proprietor or lessee of any theater, hall or other building where public entertainments are given, or any person offering the use of devices which require licensing before he permits any person to use the same for the purpose of giving any entertainment therein for gain, to obtain the license required by Section 8-23-2 of this Code, either in his own name or in the name of the person proposing to give such entertainment.