All masonry or mason work placed in, upon, or in connection with any building or structure in the Village shall be done in accordance with the provisions of this Article and Chapter 7 of this Code entitled "Buildings" regulating materials, construction, alteration and inspection of such work. No masonry or mason work shall be done, placed in or upon, or in connection with any building or structure in the Village without a permit being first issued therefor by the department charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this Article pertaining thereto.
In every case where any masonry or mason work forms a part of the work to be done in, upon, or in connection with the construction of a building or structure for which a permit is required under the provisions of this Code, such permit shall be issued only upon the application of a person licensed as a mason contractor or employing mason as provided in this Article, or upon an application containing a statement that all mason work on such building or structure will be performed by a properly licensed mason contractor or employing mason. In case any mason work on any such building or structure shall be performed by any contractor or employing mason not licensed as herein provided, such permit shall be revoked, and the masonry work on such building or structure shall be stopped by order of the head of the department charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this Code pertaining thereto, and the person performing such work and the person having such work done shall be subject to the penalty hereinafter prescribed; provided, however, that any property owner doing his own masonry work on his own premises shall not be required to obtain a license, or post a bond. Said property owners shall be required to install said masonry work in accordance with the Village Code, and said work shall be approved by the department charged with the enforcement of this Article pertaining thereto.
No license or permit shall be issued to any mason contractor unless the applicant shall file a performance bond in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) guaranteed by a surety company satisfactory to the Board of Trustees, and said bond to be conditioned upon the performance of all contracts within the Village by said contractor in compliance with the requirements of Chapter 7 of this Code entitled "Buildings" and all other applicable ordinances of the Village.
8-27-1: Definitions
8-27-2: Authority to Operate Required; Transferability
8-27-3: Authority to Operate; Application
8-27-4: Payment for Use of Public Ways; Certified Statement to be Filed with Director of Finance
8-27-5: Stopping Places
8-27-6: Temporary Routes
8-27-7: Operating Schedules
8-27-8: Records
8-27-9: Penalties
The following words and phrases shall have the meanings and are hereby defined, as follows:
PUBLIC CARRIER: Any person engaged in the business of carrying passengers for hire by any vehicle other than a public passenger vehicle as defined in Chapter 24 of this Code and includes all public utilities for local transportation of passengers within the Village and also all intrastate and interstate transportation of passengers into, out of and through the Village.
RAILROAD: A public carrier operating on rails mainly on private rights of way by fuel locomotive and used principally for transportation of persons and property through, or from a point within the Village to a point outside the Village.
ELEVATED RAILROAD: A public carrier operating on rails mainly upon elevated structures or in subways within the Village by electric power and used principally for local transportation of passengers within the Village and from points in the Village to points in the City of Chicago or other suburbs.
REVENUE MILE OF OPERATION: The operation of a vehicle by a public carrier for a distance of one mile while transporting or offering to transport passengers.
It is unlawful for any public carrier to use any public way in the Village for its operations, except on rails, unless authorized by ordinance designating the routes of operations and the stopping places on such routes. The license, permit or authority for such operations shall be a personal privilege of the licensee, permittee or grantee and shall not be transferable by operation of law.
Applications for authority to operate any public carrier as required by Section 8-27-2 of this Code shall be filed with the Village Clerk.
In addition to the information required by Section 8-1-2, all such applications shall contain a complete list of the routes, setting forth for each route, the public ways on which it is proposed to operate; the stopping places on each route; the points between ways and the distance between such points in miles or fractions thereof.
All such applications shall be presented by the Village Clerk to the Board of Trustees for consideration and such action thereon as the Board of Trustees may determine.