It shall be unlawful for any person to post, hand out, distribute or transmit any sign, or any handbill which may reasonably tend to incite riot or other public disorder, or which advocates disloyalty to or the overthrow of the government of the United States by means of violence, or which urges any unlawful conduct or encourages or tends to encourage a breach of the public peace.
The following words and phrases shall have the meanings, and are hereby defined, as follows:
GENERAL BROKER: A "general broker" is any person who negotiates, buys, sells, trades, leases or handles for another, on a commission basis, or on the basis of compensation in proportion to the amount of the transaction, any stocks, bonds, mortgages, loans of all descriptions including personal, family or small loans authorized under special legislative enactment or otherwise, investment securities, certificates of indebtedness, foreign exchange letters of credit, grain, produce, provisions, livestock, goods, wares, merchandise or any other commodity, article of property except real estate, whether like or unlike those herein named, or acts through the medium of another licensed broker in the capacity and for any of the purposes aforesaid. (Ord. 1998-0-32, 6-15-98, eff. 7-1-98)
Any person employed by a person licensed as a broker under the provisions of this Article, who shall himself engage in the business or act in the capacity of a broker shall, notwithstanding the fact of such employment, be amenable to all the provisions of this Article and shall be required to possess an individual broker's license. (Ord. 1998-0-32, 6-15-98, eff. 7-1-98)