   A.   Building: All adult daycare facilities must comply with those provisions of the Oak Park building code relative to the institutional use group classification, subject to the following additions and modifications:
      1.   Resident or client areas must be located at grade level or no more than four feet (4') above grade level when provided with ramps.
      2.   All exit doors must swing in the direction of exit travel, and if latched when closed, must be equipped with approved panic hardware.
      3.   The applicable provisions of the Oak Park building code relating to the physically handicapped and aged must be satisfied.
      4.   For the purpose of determining maximum occupancy load limits, the following areas shall not be included in such calculations: offices, storage rooms, furnace rooms, water closet compartments, food preparation rooms, examination or dining rooms, unless the latter are also used for activities.
      5.   Minimum occupant space requirements shall be:
         a.   Ambulatory person with mobility limitations: Eighty (80) square feet of floor space for each person.
("Ambulatory persons with mobility limitations" are defined as persons who are unable to walk readily or freely with ease. In order to move safely and efficiently, these individuals rely on the aid of a wheelchair or mechanical device. These mechanical devices are defined as Canadian crutch, walkers, leg braces, canes: tripod, quadpod and hemicrutch. Ordinary crutches and standard canes are excluded.)
         b.   Ambulatory persons with no mobility limitations: Fifty (50) square feet of floor space for each person.
      6.   A full automatic fire alarm system (smoke detector connected to the Village Communications Center) shall be provided in that portion of a building devoted to the daycare operation.
      7.   Boiler rooms, storage rooms, workshops and hazardous areas as determined by the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be sprinklered when located within, underneath or adjacent to that portion of a building devoted to the daycare operation.
Until the sprinkler system and automatic fire alarm system required above are installed, each room, boiler room, storage room, workshop and any other hazardous areas, as determined by the Chief of the Fire Department, shall be equipped with smoke detector devices.
      8.   The sanitary facilities and physical construction in food preparation areas must comply with all applicable requirements of the current edition of the state of Illinois, food services sanitation rules and regulations.
   B.   Equipment:
      1.   Facility equipment and furnishings shall be adequate to meet the needs of participants and staff and enable efficient operation of the program. All equipment and furnishings shall be in good condition and safe for use by all participants and staff of the facility.
      2.   Table space shall be adequate for all participants to be served a meal at a table at the same time.
      3.   An isolated quiet area shall be provided with a bed or cot so that a participant who may become ill can be separated from other persons to prevent possible spread of communicable diseases and can lie down in the event of weakness.
      4.   Water closets and lavatories shall be provided as required in section 82.153 of the Oak Park plumbing code.
      5.   A drinking fountain and/or faucet with disposable cups will be available and accessible to participants.
      6.   All rugs and floor coverings must be securely fastened down. Floors shall not be slippery.
      7.   Storage areas must be adequate in size and number for storage of cleaning materials, household supplies, food, equipment and program supplies. A separate locked area for storing poisons, chemicals or other potentially harmful products (cleaning fluids, disinfectants, etc.) shall be provided.
   C.   Food Handling: All food service operations, whether catered or prepared on site, must comply with all applicable requirements of the state of Illinois, food service sanitation rules and regulations, 1975 edition and the provisions of the Oak Park Village Code, relating article 24, "Foods And Food Establishments", of this chapter.
   D.   General Sanitation: The facility shall be cleaned daily and kept in a sanitary condition at all times. Sections of village of Oak Park Code, relating to garbage, trash and weeds and nuisances, referencing general sanitation shall apply. (1981 Code)
An adult daycare staff shall have the skill and competence necessary to contribute to each client's physical, intellectual, personal, emotional and social development.
   A.   Director: The director shall have a college bachelors degree that identifies him or her as a health, social service and/or allied health professional.
The director shall designate a qualified alternate to serve in his/her absence.
   B.   Staff: Adequate staff will be available daily to provide for client needs in safety, protection and programmatic activities.
   C.   Staff Qualifications: It is recommended that the staff have a background in human, physical, psychosocial concepts and appropriate working experiences. Red Cross first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation training is desirable. (1981 Code)
8-14-1: Definitions
8-14-2: License Required
8-14-3: Application
8-14-4: License Fee
8-14-5: Inspection
8-14-6: State Regulations Adopted
8-14-7: Issuance of License
8-14-8: Revocation of License
8-14-9: Hearing
The following words and phrases shall have the meanings, and are hereby defined as follows:
DAY CARE CENTER: Any child care facility receiving more than eight (8) children for daytime care during all or part of a day. The term "day care center" includes facilities commonly called "child care centers", "day nurseries", "nursery schools", "kindergartens", "play groups" and "centers or workshops for mentally or physically handicapped" with or without State educational purposes. The term does not include (a) kindergartens or nursery schools or other daytime programs operated by public or private elementary school systems or secondary level school units or institutions of higher learning which serve children five (5) years of age and older; (b) any type of day care center that is conducted on Federal government premises; or (c) special activities programs, including athletics, crafts instruction and similar activities conducted on an organized and periodic basis by civic, charitable and governmental organizations.
DAY CARE HOMES: Family homes which receive not more than eight (8) children for regular ongoing care during the day. The maximum of eight (8) children includes the family's natural or adopted children under age sixteen (16) and those children who are in the home under full time care as set forth in the Illinois Child Care Act of 1969.
CHILD CARE FACILITY: Any person, group of persons, agency, association or organization, whether established for gain or otherwise, who or which receives or arranges for care or placement of one or more children, unrelated to the operator of the facility, apart from the parents, with or without the transfer of the right of custody in any facility as defined in the Illinois Child Care Act of 1969, established and maintained for the care of children.
CHILD CARE CENTERS: Day care centers which receive preschool or school-age children, or both, for short term or extended hours of care, or out of school hours, and which provide essential personal care, protection, supervision, training and programs to meet the needs of the children served.
DAY NURSERIES: Day care centers which receive preschool-age children for short term or extended hours of care, and which provide essential personal care, protection, supervision, training and programs to meet the needs of the individual children served.
NURSERY SCHOOL: Day care centers which receive children between the ages of two (2) and six (6) years and which are established and professionally operated primarily for educational purposes to meet the development needs of the children served.
KINDERGARTENS: Day care centers which receive children between the ages of four (4)and six (6) years, and which are established and professionally operated to conduct educational programs for early childhood development.
PLAY GROUP: Day care centers which receive preschool or school-age children, or both, for relatively short periods of time, not to exceed three (3) hours per day for any child or group of children, and which provides services and programs designed to meet the recreational, physical, emotional and developmental needs of the individual children served.
CENTERS OR WORKSHOPS FOR MENTALLY OR PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED: Day care centers receiving mentally retarded or physically handicapped children, for short periods or extended hours, and which provide services and programs to meet the children's needs for care, protection and training.
NIGHT CARE FACILITIES: Centers or family homes in which children are received for periodic care during the night when a single parent, or both parents, are absent from home because of employment, emergency or other reasonable circumstance, and the children are in need of supervision during sleeping hours. A facility may be licensed for either day care or night-time care, or both, if circumstances permit, and whether the same children are served according to the work shifts of their parents or other circumstances. "Night care facilities" are further defined as follows:
   A.   "Night-time center" means a facility which is established to receive nine (9) or more children, but not to exceed twenty (20) children, for night-time care.
   B.   "Night-time home" means a family home which receives no more than eight (8) children, including the family's own children under age eighteen (18) for night-time care.
It shall be unlawful to operate a day or night care center or facility under any above definition, in the Village without first obtaining a license therefor. Operators of day care homes must register with the office of the Village Clerk.