General Regulations 1
The following definitions shall apply:
APPLICANT: An individual, resident, or organization that both sponsors the special event and applies for the permit to hold the special event in the Village.
APPLICATION: A form or booklet prepared by the Village containing this article, a questionnaire gathering necessary details on the nature, size, location and requirements of the proposed special event which must be returned to the Village, as well as imparting information about requisite evidence of appropriate insurance.
EVENT SPONSOR: The holder of a special event permit issued by the Village.
GEOGRAPHIC AREA OF THE VILLAGE: Roughly the equivalent of one police post. The entire Village is evenly divided into eighteen (18) police posts of relatively equal size as set forth in the Police Post Map attached to the ordinance codified herein.
PERMIT: The special event "permit" shall be defined as an official Village document, signed and dated by the Village Clerk issued to and carried by the applicant, which will indicate to any person seeking verification that this applicant has achieved the necessary approvals and paid the necessary fees to stage a special event in the Village.
PUBLIC PROPERTY: Any street, alley, sidewalk, parkway or parking lot owned, controlled or managed by the Village.
RESIDENTIAL BLOCK EVENT OR RESIDENTIAL PARADE (Which Are Not Considered Special Events): Any event designed, promoted and/or conducted in order to encourage a gathering or assembly of residents of a block or a geographic area of the Village upon a local street or the sidewalks or parkways abutting a local street at a specified location within an area zoned R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 or R-5 where the sponsors of such event reside in the block or geographic area of the Village where such gathering takes place. A "residential block event" may also include activity in a Village park or on school grounds abutting the local street.
SPECIAL EVENT: An organized, non-permanent, public gathering or assembly on public property that is not Village sponsored or cosponsored and includes, except as set forth in subsection C of this definition, the following:
A. Gatherings or assemblies that are conducted entirely or partially on public property at a specified location for activities such as, but not limited to, markets, ceremonies, celebrations, shows, festivals, exhibitions, pageants, circuses, entertainment, theatrical productions, sidewalk sales, sporting events, games or similar activity.
1. A public gathering or assembly shall be considered to be partially conducted on public property only if some portion of the core activity of the gathering or assembly occurs on or is planned to occur on public property or a structure or structures are temporarily placed, or planned to be placed, on public property to be part of or to serve the gathering or assembly. Temporary signage identifying the gathering or assembly which does not damage public property or create a public nuisance or hazard shall be permitted on the day of the event and shall not be considered a structure for purposes of enforcing this subsection.
B. Parades, or processions of any kind, which move from place to place upon public property along a specified route and include marches, races, walks, walk-a-thons, runs, marathons, bicycle runs, bike-a-thons, demonstrations or similar activities that do not comply with the normal or usual traffic regulations or controls or are likely to impede, obstruct, impair or interfere with the free flow of vehicular traffic and/or other normal activities.
C. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following public gatherings or assemblies shall not be considered a special event for purposes of this section:
1. Residential block events or residential parades.
2. Organized, non-permanent, public gatherings or assemblies which are regulated by other Village ordinances such as, but not limited to, the Oak Park farmers' market, the Village sponsored Fourth of July fireworks display and the special use permit authorizing Oak Park and River Forest High School's Friday night football games.
3. Organized, non-permanent, public gatherings or assemblies which only involve normal vehicular or pedestrian use of the public way to travel from one point to another without impeding other pedestrian or vehicular traffic or other normal activities.
4. Organized, non-permanent public gatherings or assemblies which take place only on private property or properties and only use the public way for normal vehicular or pedestrian travel from one location to another without impeding other vehicular or pedestrian traffic or other normal activity. The use of volunteers to gather pedestrians at intersections to cross streets in groups when natural breaks in traffic occur or the use of vehicles to transport persons from one location to another, shall be considered as assisting and not impeding, the normal flow of traffic for the purposes of this section.
5. Organized, nonpermanent outdoor musical performance(s) which takes place only on private property or properties on a residential block that require the closure of vehicular traffic at each end of the block in north and south directions for one (1) day only with said musical performance(s) to conclude on or before ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. All Village requirements for the closure of the residential block for vehicular traffic shall be met by the organizer of the musical performance(s) and the organizer of the musical performance(s) provides the Village with the written consent of the residents on the block for the conduct of the musical performance(s) prior to the proposed date.
SPECIAL EVENTS COMMITTEE: A standing, internal committee appointed by the Village Manager and formed for the purpose of reviewing, approving or denying special events applications. The Village Clerk shall serve as Chairperson of the committee until April 1, 2019 or until the application and permit process is fully automated. The composition of the committee shall otherwise be at the discretion of the Village Manager, and may include Village staff representatives from the Police, Fire, Development Customer Services, Public Works, Public Health.
SPONSOR: The person who applies for the special event permit and the person to whom a special event permit is issued following successful application. (Ord. 18-439, 10-15-2018; amd. Ord. 20-008, 1-13-2020)
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