1010.2 Gates.
Gates serving the means of egress system shall comply with the requirements of this section. Gates used as a component in a means of egress shall conform to the applicable requirements for doors.
Exception: Horizontal sliding or swinging gates exceeding the 4-foot (1220 mm) maximum leaf width limitation are permitted in fences and walls surrounding a stadium.
1010.2.1 Stadiums.
Panic hardware is not required on gates surrounding stadiums where such gates are under constant immediate supervision while the public is present, and where safe dispersal areas based on 3 square feet (0.28 m
) per occupant are located between the fence and enclosed space. Such required safe dispersal areas shall not be located less than 50 feet (15 240 mm) from the enclosed space. See Section 1028.5 for means of egress from safe dispersal areas.
1010.3 Turnstiles.
Turnstiles or similar devices that restrict travel to one direction shall not be placed so as to obstruct any required means of egress. Where portable turnstiles are installed for ticketing purposes, such turnstiles shall be moved from the egress path for proper exiting.
1. Manually-operated turnstiles. Manually-operated turnstiles that consist of revolving devices that turn freely in the direction of exit travel may be used in any occupancy where revolving doors are permitted. Each manually-operated turnstile or similar device shall be credited with no more than a 50-person capacity where all of the following provisions are met:
1.1. Each device shall turn free manually in the direction of egress travel when primary power is lost, and upon the manual release by an employee in the area.
1.2. Such devices are not given credit for more than 50 percent of the required egress capacity or width.
1.3. Each device is not more than 39 inches (990.6 mm) high.
1.4. Each device has not less than 16 1/2 inches (419.1 mm) clear width at and below a height of 39 inches (990.6 mm) and not less than 22 inches (558.8 mm) clear width at heights above 39 inches (990.6 mm).
1.5. Where located as part of an accessible route, turnstiles shall have not less than 36 inches (914.4 mm) clear at and below a height of 34 inches (863.4 mm), not less than 32 inches (812.8 mm) clear width between 34 inches (863.4 mm) and 80 inches (2032 mm) and shall consist of a mechanism other than a revolving device.
2. Automatic turnstiles. Automatic turnstiles that consist of mechanisms other than revolving devices, and are operated by power, such as turnstiles with a photoelectric-actuated mechanism to open the turnstile upon the approach of a person, may be used in any occupancy where revolving doors are permitted. Automatic turnstiles may serve a means of egress system where all of the following provisions are met:
2.1. Each automatic turnstile shall have minimum widths sufficient for the occupant load served and shall provide at least 32 inches (812.8 mm) of clear width at and below a height of 80 inches (2032 mm).
2.2. The design shall be such that in the event of power failure, each automatic turnstile is capable of breaking away manually to permit means of egress travel. The force required to break away these turnstiles manually shall not exceed 13 pounds (57.8 N). The turnstile shall be capable of swinging from any position to the full, clear opening width of the turnstile when a force is applied to the turnstile on the side from which egress is made.
2.3. Each automatic turnstile shall be operable from the egress side without special knowledge or effort.
2.4. Each automatic turnstile shall be connected to the building fire alarm system. Activation of the building fire alarm system shall automatically release each such turnstile to its full, clear opening width, and each such turnstile shall remain in its open position until the fire alarm system has been reset.
2.5. Each automatic turnstile shall, upon actuation of a manual release device, automatically open to its full, clear opening width, and shall remain in its open position until the automatic turnstile's access control system is reset. The manual release device shall be clearly identified with ready access that results in direct interruption of power to each turnstile. The manual release device shall be positioned at the fire command center or, if a fire command center is not required, at an approved location near the building entrance where the automatic turnstiles are located.
2.6. Each automatic turnstile shall have an integrated emergency power supply.
2.7. Each automatic turnstile power supply shall be electrically supervised.
2.8. Turnstiles provided for egress purposes in numbers greater than the egress capacity required by this code shall meet the requirements of this section.
2.9. Where located as part of an accessible route, such turnstiles shall have at least 36 inches (914.4 mm) clear width at and below a height of 34 inches (863.4 mm), at least 32 inches (812.8 mm) clear width between 34 inches (863.4 mm) and 80 inches (2032 mm).
(Am. L.L. 2023/077, 6/11/2023, eff. 6/11/2023)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2023/077.
1010.3.1 High turnstile.
Turnstiles more than 39 inches (990.6 mm) high shall meet the requirements for revolving doors.
1010.3.2 Additional door.
Where serving an occupant load greater than 300, each manually-operated turnstile and automatic turnstile that is not portable shall have a side-hinged swinging door that conforms to Section 1010.1 within 50 feet (15 240 mm).
1010.4 Security requirements for doors and windows.
The provisions of Sections 1010.4.1 through 1010.4.4 shall apply to Group R-2 occupancies.
1010.4.1 Entrance doors.
Building entrance doors and other exterior exit doors shall be equipped with heavy duty lock sets with auxiliary latch bolts to prevent the latch from being manipulated by means other than a key. Latch sets shall have stop-work in the inside cylinder controlled by a master key only. Outside cylinders of main entrance door locks shall be operated by the tenants' key, which shall not be keyed to also open the tenants' apartment door. A light or lights shall be provided at or near the outside of the front entranceway of the building providing not less than 5-footcandles (53.82 lux) intensity measured at the floor level for the full width of the entranceway.
1010.4.2 Doors to dwelling units.
Doors to dwelling units shall be equipped with a heavy duty latch set and a heavy duty dead bolt operable by a key from the outside and a thumb-turn from the inside. Those doors shall also be equipped with a chain guard so as to permit partial opening of the door. Dwelling unit entrance doors shall also be equipped with a viewing device located so as to enable a person on the inside of the entrance door to view a person immediately outside.
1010.4.3 Windows.
All openable windows shall be equipped with sash locks designed to be openable from the inside only. Grilles lockable from the inside only may be placed on the inside or outside of windows that are accessible from grade but that do not serve to provide access to exits.