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New York City Overview
The New York City Charter
The New York City Administrative Code
Title 1: General Provisions
Title 2: City of New York
Title 3: Elected officials
Title 4: Property of the City
Title 5: Budget; Capital Projects
Title 6: Contracts, Purchases and Franchises
Title 7: Legal Affairs
Title 8: Civil Rights
Title 9: Criminal Justice
Title 10: Public Safety
Title 11: Taxation and Finance
Title 12: Personnel and Labor
Title 13: Retirement and Pensions
Title 14: Police
Title 15: Fire Prevention and Control
Title 16: Sanitation
Title 16-A: [Commercial Waste Removal]
Title 16-B: Commercial Waste Zones
Title 17: Health
Title 18: Parks
Title 19: Transportation
Title 20: Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 20-A: [Shipboard Gambling]
Title 21: Social Services
Title 21-A: Education
Title 22: Economic Affairs
Title 23: Communications
Title 24: Environmental Protection and Utilities
Title 25: Land Use
Title 26: Housing and Buildings
Title 27: Construction and Maintenance
Title 28: New York City Construction Codes
Chapter 1: Administration
Chapter 2: Enforcement
Chapter 3: Maintenance of Buildings
Chapter 4: Licensing and Registration of Businesses, Trades and Occupations Engaged in Building Work
Chapter 5: Miscellaneous Provisions
Chapter 6: New York City Plumbing Code
Chapter 7: New York City Building Code
Article 701: Enactment and Update of the New York City Building Code
§ 28-701.1 Update.
§ 28-701.2 Enactment of the New York City Building Code.
Chapter 1: Administration
Chapter 2: Definitions
Chapter 3: Use and Occupancy Classification
Chapter 4: Special Detailed Requirements Based on Use and Occupancy
Chapter 5: General Building Heights and Areas; Separation of Occupancies
Chapter 6: Types of Construction
Chapter 7: Fire and Smoke Protection Features
Chapter 8: Interior Finishes
Chapter 9: Fire Protection Systems
Chapter 10: Means of Egress
Chapter 11: Accessibility
Chapter 12: Interior Environment
Chapter 13: Energy Efficiency
Chapter 14: Exterior Walls
Chapter 15: Roof Assemblies and Rooftop Structures
Chapter 16: Structural Design
Chapter 17: Special Inspections and Tests
Chapter 18: Soils and Foundations
Chapter 19: Concrete
Chapter 20: Aluminum
Chapter 21: Masonry
Chapter 22: Steel
Chapter 23: Wood
Chapter 24: Glass and Glazing
Chapter 25: Gypsum Board, Gypsum Panel Products and Plaster
Chapter 26: Plastic
Chapter 27: Electrical
Chapter 28: Mechanical Systems
Chapter 29: Plumbing Systems
Chapter 30: Elevators and Conveying Systems
Chapter 31: Special Construction
Chapter 32: Encroachments Into the Public Right-of-Way
Chapter 33: Safeguards During Construction or Demolition
Chapter 34: Reserved
Chapter 35: Referenced Standards
Appendix A: Reserved
Appendix B: Reserved
Appendix C: Reserved
Appendix D: Fire Districts
Appendix E: Supplementary Accessibility Requirements
Appendix F: Rodent Proofing
Appendix G: Flood-Resistant Construction
Appendix H: Outdoor Signs
Appendix I Reserved
Appendix J Reserved
Appendix K: Modified Industry Standards for Elevators and Conveying Systems
Appendix L: Reserved
Appendix M: Supplementary Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
Appendix N: Assistive Listening Systems Performance Standards
Appendix O: Reserved
Appendix P: Reserved
Appendix Q: Modified National Standards for Automatic Sprinkler, Standpipe, Fire Pump, Fire Alarm, and Smoke Control Systems
Appendix R: Acoustical Tile and Lay-In Panel Ceiling Suspension Systems
Appendix S: Supplementary Figures for Luminous Egress Path Markings
Appendix U: Ancillary Dwelling Units
Chapter 8: New York City Mechanical Code
Chapter 9: New York City Fuel Gas Code
Chapter 10: New York City Energy Code
Chapter 11: The New York City Electrical Code
Title 29: New York City Fire Code
Title 30: Emergency Management
Title 31: Department of Veterans' Services
Title 32: Labor and Employment
Title 33: Investigations
Title 34: Racial Equity
Appendix A: Unconsolidated Local Laws
The Rules of the City of New York
Title 1: Department of Buildings
Title 2: Board of Standards and Appeals
Title 3: Fire Department
Title 6: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 9: Procurement Policy Board Rules
Title 12: Franchise and Concession Review Committee
Title 15: Department of Environmental Protection
Title 16: Department of Sanitation
Title 17: Business Integrity Commission
Title 19: Department of Finance
Title 20: Tax Appeals Tribunal
Title 21: Tax Commission
Title 22: Banking Commission
Title 24: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Title 25: Department of Mental Health and Retardation [Repealed]
Title 28: Housing Preservation and Development
Title 29: Loft Board
Title 30: Rent Guidelines Board
Title 31: Mayor's Office of Homelessness and Single Room Occupancy
Title 34: Department of Transportation
Title 35: Taxi and Limousine Commission
Title 38: Police Department
Title 38-A: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Title 39: Department of Correction
Title 40: Board of Correction
Title 41: Department of Juvenile Justice
Title 42: Department of Probation
Title 43: Mayor
Title 44: Comptroller
Title 45: Borough Presidents
Title 46: Law Department
Title 47: Commission on Human Rights
Title 48: Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)
Title 49: Department of Records and Information Services
Title 50: Community Assistance Unit
Title 51: City Clerk
Title 52: Campaign Finance Board*
Title 53: Conflicts of Interest Board
Title 55: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Title 56: Department of Parks and Recreation
Title 57: Art Commission
Title 58: Department of Cultural Affairs
Title 60: Civil Service Commission
Title 61: Office of Collective Bargaining
Title 62: City Planning
Title 63: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Title 66: Department of Small Business Services
Title 67: Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Title 68: Human Resources Administration
Title 69: Department of Aging
Title 70: In Rem Foreclosure Release Board
Title 71: Voter Assistance Commission
Title 72: Office of Emergency Management
Title 73: Civic Engagement Commission
Title 74: Community Hiring
Chapter K3: Modifications to ASME A17.3-2015, Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators
K301.1 Retroactive requirements for existing elevators and escalators.
As referenced in Section 3001.2 of this code, the provisions of ASME A17.3-2015 shall be modified in accordance with this appendix and are applicable to all existing elevators and escalators. The section numbers correlate to those in the referenced ASME standard. Refer to the rules of the department for any subsequent additions, modifications or deletions that may have been made to this standard in accordance with Section 28-103.19 of the Administrative Code.
1.1.2 Equipment not covered by this code.
Delete and revise subsection (ee) to read as follows:
Equipment not covered by this code. Equipment not covered by this code includes, but is not limited to, the following:
(ee)   limited-use/limited-application elevators within the scope of ASME A17.1, except for section 3.10.12 of this code, where such limited-use/limited-application elevators shall achieve compliance by January 1, 2027
1.5 Delete and revise Section 1.5 to read as follows:
Existing installations shall conform to the following requirements of ASME A17.1–2013:
(a)   Requirements 8.10, Acceptance Inspections and Tests; and 8.11, Periodic Inspections and Tests
(b)   Requirements 8.6, Maintenance, Repair, and Replacement; and 8.7, Alterations
In addition, existing installations shall conform to Sections 1007.4, 1607.8.1, 3001.2, 3001.4, 3002.5, and 3003.2 of the New York City Building Code.
2.1.1 Hoistway construction.
Delete Section 2.1.1 in its entirety.
2.1.2 Windows in hoistway enclosures.
Delete and revise Section 2.1.2 to read as follows:
2.1.2 Windows in hoistway enclosures. Every hoistway-window opening ten (10) stories or fewer above a thoroughfare, and every such window opening three (3) stories or fewer above the roof of an adjacent building, shall be guarded by one of the following:
(a)   Vertical bars at least 5/8 inch (16 mm) in diameter or equivalent, spaced not more than 10 inches (254 mm) apart, permanently and securely fastened in place; or
(b)   Metal-sash windows having solid-section steel muntins of not less than 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) thickness, spaced not more than 8 inch (203 mm) apart.
Exterior hoistway-windows shall be marked with the word "SHAFTWAY" in red letters at least 6 inches (152 mm) high on a white background.
2.1.4 Pipes, air ducts, and wiring.
Delete Section 2.1.4 in its entirety.
2.1.5 Counterweight guards.
Delete Section 2.1.5 in its entirety.
2.2.5 Pipes, air ducts, and wiring.
Delete Section 2.2.5 in its entirety.
Delete Section 2.4 in its entirety.
Delete and revise Section 2.5 to read as follows:
Where the space below the hoistway is not permanently secured against access, the following requirements shall be conformed to:
(a)   The cars and counterweights shall be provided with spring or oil buffers.
(b)   Car and counterweight buffer supports shall be of sufficient strength to withstand without permanent deformation the impact resulting from buffer engagement of the car plus the rated load or the counterweight with an empty car at the following speeds:
(1)   Governor tripping speed where the safety is governor operated;
(2)   One hundred and twenty-five (125) percent of the rated speed where the safety is not governor operated.
2.6.3 Hoistway-door vision panels.
Delete and revise Section 2.6.3 to read as follows:
2.6.3 Hoistway-door vision panels. Hoistway-door vision panels must be protected by protective grills made of number sixteen (16) gage stainless or galvanized steel in accordance with the following specifications:
(a)   Grills shall be sized to fit within or over the vision panel frame and completely cover the vision panel opening in the elevator, car doors and hoistway doors.
(b)   Grills and vision panel frames shall be secured by means of non-reversible screws or other tamper proof fasteners.
(c)   Grills shall contain openings that shall reject a ball 0.75 inch (19 mm) in diameter.
(d)   All cut edges shall be deburred.
(e)   The provisions of this section shall apply to both new and existing passenger cars. Requirements for such grills may be waived if certification is submitted that such elevator is operated manually or twenty-four (24) hour doorman service is provided. A security guard shall not be considered doorman service.
(f)   For the purpose of this subparagraph, a vandal resistant 0.25 inch (6 mm) polycarbonate sheet, such as Lexan, in two (2) layers, one (1) on each side of the required wire glass, may be used in lieu of the metal protective.
2.6.4 Door hangers.
Delete Section 2.6.4 in its entirety.
2.6.7 Bottom guides.
Delete and revise Section 2.6.7 to read as follows:
2.6.7 Bottom guides. Existing elevators in occupancy groups R-1, R-2 and E shall comply with the following requirements:
(a)   The bottom of each horizontally sliding hoistway elevator door panel shall be equipped with bottom guiding members and bottom safety retainers.
(1)   The bottom of each horizontally sliding hoistway door panel shall be guided by two or more members as described in ASME A17.1 Section
(2)   Safety Retainers - The bottom of each horizontally sliding hoistway elevator door panel shall be provided with a means of retaining the door panel in position if the primary guiding means fail, and preventing displacement of the bottom of the door panel by not more than 0.75 inch (19 mm) into the hoistway. Such retainers shall be installed on the bottom, shaft-side of each door panel, shall be fabricated of at least twelve (12) gage stainless or galvanized steel, and shall engage the corresponding sill member by not less than 0.375 inch (9.5 mm).
Exception: New elevator doors installed under the 1996/1997 or later editions of ASME A17.1 as modified by Chapter K1 of this Appendix.
(b)   The door panels shall be structurally sound and in such condition that the guide(s) and retainer(s) may be securely attached.
(1)   At least one (1) bottom guide shall be installed near each end of every door panel.
(2)   A safety retainer(s) totaling at least 8 inches (203 mm) in length shall be installed between the two (2) outermost guides.
(3)   On smaller sized door panels, where due to the width of the door panel, the space between the two (2) outermost bottom guides would be less than 8 inches (203 mm), then either:
(i)   The length of the retainer may be reduced to a minimum of 4 inches (102 mm); or
(ii)   When only one (1) bottom guide is provided near the center of the door, a 4 inches (102 mm) retainer shall be installed on each side of the bottom guide. If the space between the bottom guide and the edge of the door is less than four inches, the length of the retainer may be reduced to the amount of the space between the bottom guide and the edge of the door.
Exception: New elevator entrance frames and doors installed under the 1996/1997 or later editions of ASME A17.1 as modified by Chapter K1 of this appendix.
2.7.4 Access to hoistway.
Delete Section 2.7.4 in its entirety.
2.7.5 Restricted opening of hoistway doors and/or car doors on passenger elevators.
Delete and revise the title of Section 2.7.5 to read as follows:
2.7.5 Restricted opening of hoistway doors and/or car doors on automatic passenger elevators. Automatic passenger elevators shall comply by January 1, 2027.
Add new Section 2.7.7 to read as follows:
2.7.7 Locks on elevators and elevator hoistway doors. All elevators shall comply by January 1, 2027.
In all buildings, no switch, lock or device of any kind shall be installed on any floor on or above the street floor on any passenger elevator car or hoistway sliding door. Freight elevators, and passenger elevators with swing-type hoistway doors, are permitted to have locks provided that they are openable by the city-wide standard key 2642 and the New York City Fire Department Standard 1620 key.
2.8.1 Kinetic energy and force limitations for power-operated horizontally sliding doors.
Add new Subsection (3) to Section 2.8.1(a):
(3)   See Nonmandatory Appendix G of A17.2-204 for door closing time guidelines.
3.3.1 Car platforms.
Delete Section 3.3.1 in its entirety.
3.4.1 Car enclosures.
Delete Section 3.4.1 in its entirety.
3.4.2 Car doors and gates.
Delete and revise Section 3.4.2 to read as follows:
3.4.2 Car doors and gates. Passenger and loft elevators shall comply with subsections (a) and (b) of this section.
(a)   Doors, gates, and electric contacts. Cars shall have a car door or gate provided at each entrance equipped with a car door or gate electric contact. Car doors and/or gates shall conform to the following requirements:
(1)   Be positively opened by a lever or other device attached to and operated by the door or gate.
(2)   Be maintained in the open position by the action of gravity or by a restrained compression spring, or both, or by positive mechanical means.
(3)   Not be readily accessible.
(b)   Car-door interlock. A car-door interlock shall be required for
(1)   Car doors of elevators where the clearance between the loading side of the car platform and hoistway enclosure exceeds the maximum specified in 2.4.1.
(2)   Car doors of elevators that face an unenclosed portion of the hoistway during the travel of the car.
(c)   Closed position of car doors or gates. Car doors or gates shall be considered to be in the closed position under the following conditions:
(1)   For horizontally sliding doors or gates, when the clear open space between the leading edge of the door or gate and the nearest face of the jamb does not exceed 2 in. (51 mm) except where car doors are provided with a car-door interlock(s), 0.375 in. (10 mm)
(2)   For vertically sliding counterweighted doors or gates, when the clear open space between the leading edge of the door or gate and the car platform sill does not exceed 2 in. (51 mm)
(3)   For horizontally sliding center-opening doors, or vertically sliding biparting counterbalanced doors, when the door panels are within 2 in. (51 mm) of contact with each other, except where horizontally sliding center-opening car doors are provided with a car-door interlock(s), 0.375 in. (10 mm)
(d)   Collapsible gates. Collapsible car gates shall conform to the following requirements:
(1)   Collapsible car gates shall not be power opened to a distance exceeding one-third (1/3) of the clear gate opening, and in no case more than 10 inches (254 mm).
(2)   When fully closed (extended position), gates shall reject a ball 3 inches (76 mm) in diameter for passenger elevators and 4.5 inches (114 mm) for freight elevators.
(3)   Gates shall have at least every fourth vertical member guided at the top and every second vertical member guided at the bottom.
(4)   Handles of manually operated collapsible gates nearest the car operating device on elevators operated from the car only shall be so located that the nearest handle is not more than 48 inches (1.22 m) from the car operating device when the gate is closed (extended position), and not more than 48 inches (1.22 m) above the car floor. Gate handles shall be provided with finger guards.
3.4.4 Emergency exits.
Delete Section 3.4.4 in its entirety.
3.4.5 Car illumination.
Delete and revise Section 3.4.5 to read as follows:
3.4.5 Car illumination.
(a)   Interiors of cars shall be provided with an electric light or lights. Not less than two (2) lamps shall be provided.
(b)   The minimum illumination at the car threshold, with the door closed, shall not be less than:
(1)   For passenger elevators: 5 fc (54 lux).
(2)   For freight elevators: 2 1/2 fc (27 lux).
(c)   Light control switches are not required, but if provided they shall be located in or adjacent to the operating device in the car. In elevators having automatic operation, they shall be of the key-operated type or located in a fixture with a locked cover.
(d)   Top of car light fixtures shall be provided with a non-key-operated switch in or adjacent to the fixture.
3.5.1 Car safeties.
Delete Section 3.5.1 in its entirety.
3.5.2 Counterweight safeties.
Delete Section 3.5.2 in its entirety.
3.5.3 Safeties to stop ascending cars or counterweights prohibited.
Delete Section 3.5.3 in its entirety.
3.5.4 Application and release of safeties.
Delete Section 3.5.4 in its entirety.
3.5.5 Maximum permissible movement of governor rope to operate the safety mechanism.
Delete Section 3.5.5 in its entirety.
3.5.6 Rail lubricants and lubrication plate.
Delete and revise Section 3.5.6 to read as follows:
3.5.6 Rail lubricants. Rail lubricants or coatings that will reduce the holding power of the safety or prevent its functioning as required shall not be used.
Delete Section 3.6 in its entirety.
3.8.1 General requirement.
Delete Section 3.8.1 in its entirety.
3.8.2 Winding drum machines.
Delete and revise Subsection (b) of Section 3.8.2 to read as follows:
(b)   Final terminal stopping devices for winding drum machines shall consist of a stopping switch located on the driving machine (machine final) and a stopping switch located in the hoistway and operated by cams attached to the car.
(1)   Stopping switches, located on and operated by the driving machine, shall not be driven by chains, ropes, or belts. The opening of these contacts shall occur before or concurrent with the opening of the final terminal stopping switch.
(2)   Driving machines equipped with an alternating current motor and alternating current brake or a direct current motor and direct-current brake shall have the final terminal stopping and machine stop device contacts installed in the operating circuits. The occurrence of a single ground or the failure of any single magnetically operated switch, contactor, or relay shall not render any final terminal stopping device ineffective.
Add new Subsection to read as follows: Single plunger brakes.
(a)   All existing traction elevators with single plunger brakes must comply with either of the following by January 1, 2027:
(1)   Alteration of single plunger assemblies to dual-plunger type, or
(2)   Compliance with Unintended Car Movement Protection as specified by Section 2.19.2 of ASME A17.1.
(b)   Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of chapter 1 of title 28 of the Administrative Code, the work required to comply with this section may not be performed without a permit from the department.
3.9.1 Normal terminal stopping devices.
Delete Section 3.9.1 in its entirety.
3.9.2 Final terminal stopping devices.
Delete and revise Section 3.9.2 to read as follows:
3.9.2 Final terminal stopping devices. Upper and lower final terminal electro-mechanical stopping devices shall be provided and arranged to prevent movement of the car by the normal operating devices in either direction of travel after the car has passed a terminal landing. Final terminal stopping devices shall be located as follows:
(a)   Winding drum driving machines. Elevators having winding drum machines shall have stopping switches on the machines and also installed in the hoistway and operated by cams attached to the car. Final limit switches and brackets shall be permanently secured and pinned.
(b)   Traction driving machines. Elevators having traction driving machines shall have stopping switches installed in the hoistway and operated by cams attached to the car. Final limit switches and brackets shall be permanently secured and pinned.
3.10.1 Types of operating devices.
Delete Section 3.10.1 in its entirety.
3.10.3 Top-of-car operating devices.
Delete Section 3.10.3 in its entirety.
3.10.4 Electrical protective devices.
Delete and revise Section 3.10.4 to read as follows:
3.10.4 Electrical protective devices.
Electrical protective devices shall be provided in accordance with the following:
(a)   Slack-rope switch. Winding drum machines shall be provided with a slack-rope device equipped with a slack-rope switch of the enclosed manually reset type that shall cause the electric power to be removed from the elevator driving machine motor and brake if the suspension ropes become slack.
(b)   Compensating rope sheave switch. Compensating rope sheaves shall be provided with a compensating rope sheave switch or switches mechanically opened by the compensating rope sheave before the sheave reaches its upper or lower limit of travel to cause the electric power to be removed from the elevator driving machine motor and brake.
(c)   Broken rope, tape, or chain switches used in connection with machine room normal terminal stopping switches. Broken rope, tape, or chain switches conforming to the requirements of Section 3.6.1 shall be provided in connection with normal terminal stopping devices located in machine rooms of traction elevators. Such switches shall be opened by a failure of the rope, tape or chain.
(d)   Car-safety mechanism switch. A switch shall be required where a car safety is provided.
(e)   Final terminal stopping devices. Final terminal stopping devices shall be provided for every elevator.
(f)   Emergency terminal speed limiting device. Where reduced stroke oil buffers are provided, emergency terminal speed limiting devices are required.
(g)   Motor generator overspeed protection. Means shall be provided to cause the electric power to be removed automatically from the elevator driving machine motor and brake should a motor generator set, driven by a direct current motor, overspeed excessively.
(h)   Motor field sensing means. Where direct current is supplied to an armature and shunt field of an elevator driving machine motor, a motor field current sensing means shall be provided, which shall cause the electric power to be removed from the motor armature and brake unless current is flowing in the shunt field of the motor.
A motor field current sensing means is not required for static control elevators provided with a device to detect an overspeed condition prior to, and independent of, the operation of the governor overspeed switch. This device shall cause power to be removed from the elevator driving machine motor armature and machine brake.
(i)   Buffer switches for oil buffers used with type C car safeties. Oil level and compression switches shall be provided for all oil buffers used with Type C safeties.
(j)   Hoistway door interlocks or hoistway door electric contacts. Hoistway door interlocks or hoistway door electric contacts shall be provided for all elevators.
(k)   Car door or gate electric contacts. Car door or gate electric contacts shall be provided for all elevators with car doors or gates.
(l)   Normal terminal stopping devices. Normal terminal stopping devices shall be provided for every elevator.
(m)   Car side emergency exit electric contact. An electric contact shall be provided on every car side emergency exit door.
(n)   Electric contacts for hinged car platform sills. Hinged car platform sills, where provided, shall be equipped with electric contacts.
(o)   Emergency stop switch. On all elevators, an emergency stop switch shall be provided in the car, and located in or adjacent to each car operating panel. When open (i.e. the "stop position"), this switch shall cause the electric power to be removed from the elevator driving-machine motor and brake. Emergency stop switches shall:
(1)   Be of the manual open and close type;
(2)   Have a red operating handle or buttons;
(3)   Be conspicuously and permanently marked "STOP" and indicate the "STOP" and "RUN" positions; and
(4)   When open, cause an audible signaling device to sound.
(p)   Stop switch in pit. A stop switch, conforming to the following requirements shall be provided in the pit of every elevator. The switch shall be located adjacent to the normal pit access. The switch shall cause the electric power to be removed from the elevator driving machine motor and brake and shall:
(1)   Be of the manual open and close type;
(2)   Have a red operating handle or buttons;
(3)   Be conspicuously and permanently marked "STOP" and indicate the "STOP" and "RUN" positions; and
(4)   Be positively opened mechanically and its opening shall not be solely dependent on a spring.
(q)   Buffer switches for gas spring return oil buffers. A buffer switch shall be provided for gas spring return oil buffers that will cause electric power to be removed from the elevator driving machine motor and brake if the plunger is not within 0.5 inch (13 mm) of the fully extended position.
3.10.5 Power supply line disconnecting means.
Delete Section 3.10.5 in its entirety.
3.10.11 Reserved for Future Use.
Delete and revise Section 3.10.11 to read as follows:
3.10.11 Signal system on car switch elevators.
Elevators with car switch operations shall be provided with a signal system by means of which signals can be given from any landing whenever the elevator is desired at the landing.
3.10.12 System to Monitor and Prevent Automatic Operation of the Elevator With Faulty Door Contact Circuits.
Delete and revise Section 3.10.12 to read as follows:
3.10.12 System to monitor and prevent automatic operation of passenger and freight elevators with faulty door contact circuits.
All automatic passenger and freight elevators shall comply with this section by January 1, 2020. Means shall be provided to monitor the position of power-operated car doors that are mechanically coupled with the landing doors or power-operated car doors with manually operated swing-type hall doors, while the car is in the landing zone, in order
(a)   to prevent the operation of the car if the car door is not closed (see Section 3.4.2(c) of ASME A17.3), regardless whether the portion of the circuits incorporating the car-door contact or the interlock contact of the landing door coupled with car door, or both, are closed or open, except as permitted under any of the following conditions:
(1)   by a car-leveling or truck-leveling device;
(2)   when a hoistway access switch is operated;
(3)   when the top-of-car inspection operation utilizing a car door by-pass or hoistway-door bypass switch is activated;
(4)   when on any mode of inspection operation; and
(b)   to prevent, except as permitted by inspection operation, the power closing of the doors if the car door is fully open and any of the following conditions exist:
(1)   the car-door contact is closed or the portion of the circuit, incorporating this contact is bypassed;
(2)   the interlock contact of the landing door that is coupled to the opened car door is closed or the portion of the circuit, incorporating this contact is bypassed, except when operating during Firefighters' Service Phase II;
Exception: For swing-type door operation, the locking (secondary) contacts shall be monitored.
(3)   the car-door contact and the interlock contact of the door that is coupled to the opened car door are closed, or the portions of the circuits incorporating these contacts are bypassed.
3.11.1 Car emergency signaling devices.
Delete and revise Section 3.11.1 to read as follows:
3.11.1 Car emergency signaling devices. In all buildings, the elevator(s) shall be provided with the following:
(a)   If installed, altered, or both under ASME A17.1–2003 or earlier edition, as modified by Chapter K, Appendix K1 
(1)   An audible signaling device, operable from the emergency stop switch, when provided, and from a switch marked "ALARM" that is located in or adjacent to each car operating panel. The signaling device shall be located inside the building and audible inside the car and outside the hoistway. One signaling device shall be permitted to be used for a group of elevators.
(2)   If the audible signaling device, or the means of two-way communication, or both, are normally connected to the building power supply, they shall automatically transfer to a source of emergency power within 10 seconds after the normal power supply fails. The power source shall be capable of providing for the operation of the audible signaling device for at least 1 hour, and the means of two-way communication for at least 4 hours.
(3)   In buildings in which a building attendant (building employee, watchman, etc.) is not continuously available to take action when the required emergency signal is operated, the elevators shall be provided with a means within the car for communicating with or signaling to a service that is capable of taking appropriate action when a building attendant is not available.
(4)   An emergency power system shall be provided conforming to the requirements of (a)(3) of this section.
(b)   If installed, altered, or both under ASME A17.1–2013 or later editions as modified by Chapter K, Appendix K1, the emergency communications system shall comply with Section 2.27 of the ASME A17.1 Code under which it was installed or altered.
3.11.3 Firefighters' service.
Delete and revise Section 3.11.3 to read as follows:
3.11.3 Firefighters' service operation in existing elevators. Firefighters' service operation shall be installed in accordance with the New York City Building Code in all existing elevators serving any of the following:
(a)   High rise buildings or buildings classified in Occupancy Group M except existing R-2.
(b)   All buildings or buildings classified in Occupancy Group A, B, E, I, or R-1 (except for "residential hotels," as such term is defined by the commissioner pursuant to rules and regulations).
3.12.1 Suspension means.
Delete Section 3.12.1 in its entirety.
Delete Section 4.2 in its entirety.
4.3.2 Plunger stops.
Delete and revise Section 4.3.2 to read as follows:
4.3.2 Plunger stops. Plungers shall be provided with solid metal stops and/or other means to prevent the plunger from traveling beyond the limits of the cylinder. Stops shall be so designed and constructed as to stop the plunger from maximum speed in the up direction under full pressure without damage to the connection to the driving machine, plunger, plunger connection, couplings, plunger joints, cylinder, cylinder connecting couplings or any other parts of the hydraulic system.
4.3.3 Hydraulic elevators.
Delete and revise Section 4.3.3 to read as follows:
4.3.3 Hydraulic elevators. Hydraulic elevators that have any portion of the cylinder buried in the ground and that do not have a double cylinder or a cylinder with a safety bulkhead shall:
(a)   Have the cylinder replaced with a double cylinder or a cylinder with a safety bulkhead protected from corrosion by one or more of the following methods:
(1)   Monitored cathodic protection;
(2)   A coating to protect the cylinder from corrosion that will withstand the installation process;
(3)   By a protective plastic casing immune to galvanic or electrolytic action, salt water, and other known underground conditions; or
(b)   Be provided with a device meeting the requirements of Section 3.5 or a device arranged to operate in the down direction at an overspeed not exceeding one hundred twenty-five (125) percent of rated speed. The device shall mechanically act to limit the maximum car speed to the buffer striking speed, or stop the elevator car with rated load with a deceleration not to exceed 32.2 ft/s 2 (9.8 m/s 2 ), and shall not automatically reset. Actuation of the device shall cause power to be removed from the pump motor and control valves until manually reset; or
(c)   Have other means acceptable to the department to protect against unintended movement of the car as a result of uncontrolled fluid loss.
4.5.2 Pressure tanks.
Delete Section 4.5.2 in its entirety.
4.7.2 Top-of-car operating devices.
Delete Section 4.7.2 in its entirety.
4.7.3 Anticreep leveling devices.
Delete Section 4.7.3 in its entirety.
4.7.4 Electrical protective devices.
Delete and revise Section 4.7.4 to read as follows:
4.7.4 Electrical protective devices. Electrical protective devices conforming to the requirements of Section 3.10.4, where they apply to hydraulic elevators, shall be provided and operate as follows:
(a)   The following devices shall prevent operation of the elevator by the normal operating device and also the movement of the car in response to the anticreep leveling device:
(1)   stop switches in the pit
(2)   stop switches on top of the car
(3)   car side emergency exit door electric contacts, where such doors are provided
(b)   The following devices shall prevent the operation of the elevator by the normal operating device, but the anticreep leveling device where provided, shall remain operative:
(1)   emergency stop switches in the car
(2)   broken rope, tape, or chain switches on normal terminal stopping devices when such devices are located in the machine room or overhead space
(3)   hoistway-door interlocks or hoistway-door electric contacts
(4)   car door or gate electric contacts
(5)   hinged car platform sill electric contacts
(6)   in-car stop switch, where permitted by subsection 3.10.4(t)
4.7.5 Power supply line disconnecting means.
Delete Section 4.7.5 in its entirety.
4.7.7 Control and operating circuit requirements.
Delete and revise Section 4.7.7 to read as follows:
4.7.7 Control and operating circuit requirements. Control and operating circuits shall conform to the requirements of Sections 3.10.9 and 3.10.12.
Delete Section 4.8 in its entirety.
Delete Section 4.9 in its entirety.
5.1.4 Antislide device.
Delete and revise Section 5.1.4 to read as follows:
5.1.4 Antislide device.
On high deck balustrades, antislide devices shall be provided on decks or combination of decks when the outer edge of the deck is greater than 12 inches (305 mm) from the centerline of the handrail or on adjacent escalators when the distance between centerline of the handrails is greater than 16 inches (406 mm).
These devices shall consist of raised objects fastened to the decks, not closer than 4 inches (102 mm) to the handrail and spaced not greater than 78 inches (2000 mm) apart. The height shall be not less than 0.75 inches (19 mm). There shall be no sharp corners or edges.
(Am. L.L. 2023/077, 6/11/2023, eff. 6/11/2023)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2023/077.
5.1.7 Step risers.
Delete Section 5.1.7 in its entirety.
5.1.8 Slotting of step treads.
Delete Section 5.1.8 in its entirety.
5.1.11 Step/skirt performance index.
Delete Section 5.1.11 in its entirety.
5.3.1 Starting switches.
Delete and revise Section 5.3.1 to read as follows:
5.3.1 Starting devices. In every new and existing escalator, starting devices shall be provided with the combination of a starting switch and a starting button. The escalator shall be started only after the activation of both the switch and the button.
(a)   Starting switch. Starting switches shall be of continuous pressure spring return type and shall be operated by a cylinder-type lock having five-pin, five-disc or five-tumbler combination. Starting switches shall be of three-position type and shall be clearly marked as follows:
NORMAL. A central position for the key entry and spring return position.
START-UP. A right side position for starting the escalator in the upward direction.
START-DOWN. A left side position for starting the escalator in the downward direction.
(b)   Starting Button. Starting buttons shall be of the constant pressure type and located within 6 inches (152 mm) from the starting switch. They shall be clearly marked "Starting Button".
(c)   Cover Plate. A locked, transparent cover plate that can be opened by the starting key and clearly marked "For Start Only" shall protect the starting devices.
(d)   Location of starting devices. Starting devices shall be located at the top and bottom of the escalator on the right side-facing newel.
NOTE: The starting key shall be kept on the premises at all times and shall only be accessible to persons authorized to start escalators. It shall also be made available to the commissioner or the commissioner's representatives.
5.3.2 Emergency stop buttons.
Delete and revise Section 5.3.2 to read as follows:
5.3.2 Emergency stop buttons location. A red stop button shall be visibly located at the top and bottom landings on the right side-facing the escalator. Remote stop buttons are prohibited, except that any escalator connected to an automatic fire alarm system shall gradually stop the escalator at a rate not greater than 3 ft per sec 2 (0.91 m/s 2 ) upon the activation of such system.
5.3.7 Skirt obstruction device.
Delete and revise the title of Section 5.3.7 to read as follows:
5.3.7 Skirt obstruction and deflector devices.
Add new Section to read as follows: Means shall be provided to cause the electric power to be removed from the escalator driving machine motor and brake if an object becomes caught between the step and the skirt as the step approaches the upper combplate, intermediate device or lower combplate. On units having a run of 20 feet (6.1 m) or more, intermediate devices shall be provided on both sides of the escalator with devices located at intervals of 10 feet (3.05 m) or less. The activation of intermediate devices shall stop the escalator at a rate not greater than 3 ft per sec 2 (0.91 m/s 2 ) in the direction of travel. The upper and lower skirt obstruction device shall be located so that the escalator will stop before that object reaches the combplate. The activation of any skirt device shall stop the escalator with any load up to full brake rated load with the escalator running.
Add new Section to read as follows: Skirt deflector devices, in accordance with of A17.1, 2013, shall be provided no later than January 1, 2025.
Add new Section 5.3.13 to read as follows:
5.3.13 Comb-step stop device. A device shall be provided that will cause the opening of the power circuit to the escalator driving machine motor and brake where a resultant vertical force not greater than 60 lbf (268 N) in the upward direction is applied at the center of the front of the comb-plate.
Delete Part VI in its entirety.
Add new Section 7.0 to read as follows:
Existing hand powered freight elevators shall not be subject to the provisions of this section. However, adequate protection of landing openings shall be provided by hinged or sliding doors which shall remain locked at all times except when the freight elevator is in use. Auxiliary gates not less than 36 inches (914 mm) in height, substantially constructed and secured in place, of wood or metal, or equivalent metal chains shall be installed. Such gates or chains may be arranged to lift vertically, to slide horizontally, or to swing. No part of any gate or chain shall project into the freight elevator shaft. Gates may be operated automatically or manually.
Delete Section 7.1 in its entirety.
Delete Section 7.2 in its entirety.
Delete Section 8.1 in its entirety.
8.2.2 Buffers and bumpers.
Delete Section 8.2.2 in its entirety.
8.2.3 Counterweights.
Delete Section 8.2.3 in its entirety.
8.2.4 Car frames and platforms.
Delete Section 8.2.4 in its entirety.
8.2.5 Bow-irons and stanchions.
Delete Section 8.2.5 in its entirety.
8.2.6 Car enclosures and car doors and gates.
Delete Section 8.2.6 in its entirety.
8.2.7 Car and counterweight safeties and governors.
Delete Section 8.2.7 in its entirety.
8.2.8 Capacity and loading.
Delete Section 8.2.8 in its entirety.
8.2.9 Driving machines and sheaves.
Delete Section 8.2.9 in its entirety.
8.2.10 Terminal stopping devices.
Delete Section 8.2.10 in its entirety.
8.2.11 Locking devices for hinged swinging doors or vertically lifting covers in sidewalks or other areas exterior to the building.
Delete Section 8.2.11 in its entirety.
8.2.12 Requirements for electrical wiring and electrical equipment.
Delete Section 8.2.12 in its entirety.
8.2.13 Clearance between loading side of car platforms and hoistway enclosures.
Delete Section 8.2.13 in its entirety.
8.2.14 Operating devices and control equipment of sidewalk elevator.
Delete and revise Section 8.2.14 to read as follows:
8.2.14 Operating devices and control equipment of sidewalk elevator. The operation of power sidewalk elevators through openings in the sidewalk, or through openings in other exterior areas that are accessible to the public, and that are protected by hinged doors or vertically lifting covers, shall conform to the following:
(a)   The elevator shall be operated in both the up and down directions through the opening, only from the sidewalk or other exterior area. The operation shall be by means of:
(1)   Key-operated continuous-pressure type up and down switches; or
(2)   Continuous-pressure-type up-and-down operating buttons on the free end of a detachable, flexible cord 5 feet (1.52 m) or less in length.
(b)   Key-operated switches shall be of continuous pressure spring return type, and shall be operated by a cylinder-type lock having not less than a five-pin or five-disk combination with the key removable only when the switch is in the "OFF" position.
(c)   Key-operated switches and plug receptacles for flexible cords shall be mounted in weatherproof boxes with covers installed above the sidewalk or other area on the side of the building wall, located 18 inches (457 mm) or less horizontally from one side of the opening.
(d)   Operating buttons may be provided in the elevator car and at any landing below the top landing, provided that such buttons shall operate the car only when the bow-iron or stanchions are not in contact with the doors or covers in the sidewalk of other exterior area.
(e)   When the bow-iron or stanchions are in contact with the doors or covers at the sidewalk or other exterior area, it shall be possible to operate the car only by means of either the key switches or the continuous-pressure type up-and-down buttons on the free end of the flexible cord specified in Section 8.2.14(a)(1).
(f)   Flexible cords and operating keys shall not be left where they are accessible to unauthorized persons for operation of the elevator.
Delete and revise the title of Section 9.2.2 to read as follows:
9.2.1 Protection required.
Delete and revise subsection (a) of Section to read as follows: Skirt panels. Where skirt panels are provided
(a)   the clearance between each side of the treadway and the adjacent skirt panel shall be not more than 0.188 inches (4.8 mm).
9.6.2 Starting switch.
Delete and revise Section 9.6.2 to read as follows:
9.6.2 Starting devices. In every new and existing moving walk, starting devices shall be provided with the combination of a starting switch and a starting button. The moving walk shall be started only after the activation of both the switch and the button.
(a)   Starting Switch. Starting switches shall be of continuous pressure spring return type and shall be operated by a cylinder-type lock having five-pin, five-disc or five-tumbler combination. Starting switches shall be of three-position type and shall be clearly marked as follows:
NORMAL. A central position for the key entry and spring return position.
START-UP. A right-side position for starting the moving walks in the upward direction.
START-DOWN. A left-side position for starting the moving walks in the downward direction.
(b)   Starting Button. Starting buttons shall be of the constant pressure type and located within 6 inches (152 mm) from the starting switch. They shall be clearly marked "Starting Button".
(c)   Cover Plate. A locked, transparent cover plate that can be opened by the starting key and clearly marked "For Start Only" shall protect the starting devices.
(d)   Location of starting devices. Starting devices shall be located at top and bottom of the moving walk on the right-side facing newel.
NOTE: The starting key shall be kept on the premises at all times and shall only be accessible to persons authorized to start moving walks. It shall also be made available to the commissioner or the commissioner's representatives.
9.6.3 Emergency stop buttons.
Delete and revise Section 9.6.3 to read as follows:
9.6.3 Emergency stop buttons location. A red stop button shall be visibly located at the top and bottom landings on the right side facing the moving walk. Remote stop buttons are prohibited, except that any moving walk connected to an automatic fire alarm system shall gradually stop the moving walk at a rate not greater than 3 ft/sec 2 (0.91 m/s 2 ) upon the activation of such system.
Add new Section 9.6.14 to read as follows:
9.6.14 Comb-plate stop device. A device shall be provided that will cause the opening of the power circuit to the moving walk driving-machine motor and brake when a resultant vertical force not greater than 60 lbf (268 N) in the upward direction is applied at the center of the front of the comb-plate.
Delete and revise Part X Scope to read as follows:
This Part applies to power elevators that are limited in size, capacity, rise, and speed and are installed in or at a private residence. This Part also applies to similar elevators installed in buildings as a means of access to private residences within such buildings provided the elevators are so installed that they are not accessible to the general public or to other occupants in the building.
NOTE: This Part has been developed to provide a minimum standard of safety for private residence elevators. These elevators are installed for the convenience of those persons who are unable to use stairways. Private residence elevators, while they are usually installed in single-family dwellings, may be installed within a separate apartment in a multiple dwelling where they are not accessible to the general public or to other occupants of the building. It is frequently necessary to install such elevators in open stairwells, as the construction of the building may not provide space for an enclosed hoistway.
Since the size, speed, load, rise, and use are limited, it is possible to provide an adequate level of safety without requiring the equipment to meet the standards in other parts of the Code. Equipment installed for use by the general public is subjected to much more severe and frequent service.
Although private residences are usually exempt from routine inspections, this Code will provide a basis for evaluation of existing equipment during resale or exchange of property. It will also be useful when an "installation placed out of service" is returned to use.
It should be noted that the rules of this Part of the Code do not apply to all power elevators installed in private residences, but only to those that meet the definition for "private residence elevator." All other elevators in private residences are required to comply with all the rules of the other parts of this Code.
All residential elevators shall comply with the following by November 7, 2023.
(Am. L.L. 2023/077, 6/11/2023, eff. 6/11/2023)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2023/077.
Section 10.1.1 Hoistway enclosure construction.
Delete Section 10.1.1 in its entirety.
Section 10.1.2 Pits.
Delete Section 10.1.2 in its entirety.
Section 10.1.3 Top car clearance.
Delete Section 10.1.3 in its entirety.
Section Locking devices for hoistway doors and gates.
Delete Section in its entirety.
Section Opening of hoistway doors or gates.
Delete Section in its entirety.
Section Hangers and stops for hoistway sliding doors.
Delete Section in its entirety.
Section Access to the hoistway for emergency purposes.
Delete Section in its entirety.
Section 10.1.5 Pipes in hoistways.
Delete Section 10.1.5 in its entirety.
Section 10.1.6 Horizontal car clearances.
Delete Section 10.1.6 in its entirety.
Section 10.1.7 Guarding of suspension means.
Delete Section 10.1.7 in its entirety.
Delete Section 10.2 in its entirety.
Delete Section 10.3 in its entirety.
Delete Section 10.4 in its entirety.
Delete Section 10.5 in its entirety.
Delete Section 10.6 in its entirety.
Delete Section 10.7 in its entirety.
Delete Section 10.8 in its entirety.
10.9.1 Type of Operation.
Delete Section 10.9.1 in its entirety.
10.9.2 Control and Operating Circuit Requirements.
Delete Section 10.9.2 in its entirety.
10.9.3 Key Operated Switches.
Delete Section 10.9.3 in its entirety.
10.9.5 Phase Reversal and Failure Protection.
Delete Section 10.9.5 in its entirety.
10.9.7 Slack Rope and Slack Chain Devices for Winding Drum and Roller Chain Type Driving Machines.
Delete Section 10.9.7 in its entirety.
Delete and revise Section 10.10 to read as follows:
10.10.1 Emergency signal. A telephone connected to a central telephone exchange shall be permanently installed in the car and an emergency signaling device operable from inside the car and audible outside the hoistway shall be provided. The telephone must have the capability of calling outside to contact emergency personnel.
Delete Section 10.11 in its entirety.
Delete Section 10.12 in its entirety.
Delete Section 10.13 in its entirety.
Appendix L: Reserved
Appendix M: Supplementary Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
Section BC M101: General
M101.1 General.
The provisions of this appendix contain supplementary requirements for the design and construction of one- and two-family dwellings not more than three stories in height.
Section BC M102: Definitions
M102.1 Definitions.
The following terms are defined in Chapter 2: