1004.5 Multiple occupancies.
Where a building contains two or more occupancies, the means of egress requirements shall apply to each portion of the building based on the occupancy of that space. Where two or more occupancies utilize portions of the same means of egress system, those egress components shall meet the more stringent requirements of all occupancies that are served.
1005.1 General.
All portions of the means of egress system shall be sized in accordance with this section.
Exception: Aisles and aisle accessways in rooms or spaces used for assembly purposes complying with Section 1029.
1005.2 Minimum width based on component.
The minimum width, in inches (mm), of any means of egress components shall be not less than that specified for such component, elsewhere in this code.
1005.3 Required capacity based on occupant load.
The required capacity, in inches (mm), of the means of egress for any room, area, space or story shall be not less than that determined in accordance with Sections 1005.3.1 and 1005.3.2.