1029.19.3.2 Safe area lighting.
In addition to requirements of Section 1008, safe areas shall be artificially lighted by electrical means at all times during occupancy of a place of assembly so as to provide illumination of at least 5 footcandles (54 lux) at the level of the floor and on the surface of all stairs, steps, ramps, and escalators within the safe area.
1029.19.4 Open exterior space.
The following provisions shall apply when an open exterior space is used as an exit discharge:
1. Capacity. Open exterior spaces shall be adequate in width and area to accommodate the accumulated occupant load of all exits discharging into them on the basis of 2 square feet (0.19 m
) per person.
2. Minimum dimensions. The minimum dimension of open exterior spaces shall be 20 feet (6096 mm), except that when the principal entrance to the place of assembly is from an open exterior space, the minimum dimension of this space shall be 30 feet (9144 mm). No open exterior space shall have less than 400 square feet (37.2 m
) of floor area, and floor area shall be measured exclusive of the following:
2.1. The area immediately outside any exit door from the place of assembly for a distance perpendicular to the exit doors of 10 feet (3048 mm) for the full width of the exit opening.
2.2. The area of steps, platforms, stairs, or ramps within or leading to or from the space.
2.3. The area of obstructions such as shrubs, trees, fixed furniture, signs, sculptures, pools, and similar obstructions to occupancy or exit travel.
3. Above or below grade. When an open exterior space is more than 15 feet (4572 mm) above or below the grade of the street or public space to which it discharges, its required area shall be increased by one-third.
4. Egress from open exterior spaces. Exterior exit passageways, ramps, or steps leading from open exterior spaces shall be not less in width than required for the occupant load of all exits discharging into the open exterior space. The width of such exit passageways shall be based on the capacities listed in Section 1005.1, but in no case less than 10 feet (3048 mm).
5. Open exterior spaces. Yards or courts that serve as open exterior spaces shall be artificially lighted by electrical means at all times between sunset and sunrise during occupancy of a place of assembly so as to provide illumination of at least 5 footcandles (54 lux) at the level of the floor over at least the required area.
1030.1 General.
In addition to the means of egress required by this chapter, provisions shall be made for emergency escape and rescue openings in Group R-2 occupancies that are subject to Table 1006.3.2, and Group R-3 occupancies. Sleeping rooms below the fourth story above grade plane and below-grade stories shall have at least one exterior emergency escape and rescue opening in accordance with this section. Where below-grade stories contain one or more sleeping rooms, emergency escape and rescue openings shall be required in each sleeping room, but shall not be required in adjoining areas of such below-grade story. Such openings shall open directly into a public way or to a yard or court that opens to a public way.
1. Sleeping rooms provided with a door to a fire-resistance-rated corridor having access to two remote exits in opposite directions.
2. Emergency escape and rescue openings are not required from below-grade stories or sleeping rooms that have an exit door or exit access door that opens directly into a public way or to a yard, court or exterior exit balcony that opens to a public way.
3. Below-grade stories without habitable spaces and having not more than 200 square feet (18.6 m
) in floor area shall not be required to have emergency escape and rescue openings.