1026.4.1 Capacity.
The capacity of the refuge area shall be computed based on a net floor area allowance of 3 square feet (0.2787 m
) for each occupant to be accommodated therein.
Exceptions: The net floor area allowable per occupant shall be as follows for the indicated occupancies:
1. Six square feet (0.6 m
) per occupant for occupancies in Group I-3.
2. Fifteen square feet (1.4 m
) per occupant for ambulatory occupancies in Group I-2.
3. Thirty square feet (2.8 m
) per occupant for nonambulatory occupancies in Group I-2.
1026.4.2 Number of exits.
The refuge area into which a horizontal exit leads shall be provided with exits adequate to meet the occupant requirements of this chapter, but not including the added occupant load imposed by persons entering the refuge area through horizontal exits from the adjoining compartment. Not less than one refuge area exit shall lead directly to the exterior or to an interior exit stairway or ramp. In addition to such refuge area exit, in buildings more than 420 feet (128 m) in height that are subject to Section 403.5.2, at least one other exit from each refuge area shall lead directly to the additional exit stairway required by Section 403.5.2, or shall provide access to occupant self-evacuation elevators where such elevators are permitted by Exception 1 or 2 of Section 403.5.2 in lieu of an additional exit stairway.
Exception: A single intermediate refuge area between the adjoining compartment from which egress originates and the final refuge area shall not be required to have a stairway or door leading directly outside, provided the final refuge area into which a horizontal exit leads has stairways or doors leading directly outside and are so arranged that egress shall not require the occupants to return through the intermediate refuge area and the adjoining compartment from which egress originates.
1027.1 Exterior exit stairways and ramps.
Exterior exit stairways and ramps serving as an element of a required means of egress shall comply with this section.