1025.9 Maintenance program.
Owners shall keep the required luminous egress path markings in good repair. At a minimum, owners shall, every 12 months, perform a visual inspection of the markings with the normal lighting turned on. Markings that are missing, damaged, loose, or that show signs of wear or missing labels shall be noted and promptly repaired. The log of such inspections, including the results and any corrective measures taken, shall be kept and maintained on the premises for inspection by the department and the Fire Department. The log shall contain the date of inspection and the printed name and signature of the person performing the inspection.
1026.1 Horizontal exits.
Horizontal exits serving as an exit in a means of egress system shall comply with the requirements of this section. A horizontal exit shall not serve as the only exit from a portion of a building, and where two or more exits are required, not more than one-half of the total number of exits or total exit minimum width or required capacity shall be horizontal exits.
1. Horizontal exits are permitted to comprise two-thirds of the required exits from any building or floor area for occupancies in Group I-2.
2. Horizontal exits are permitted to comprise 100 percent of the exits required for occupancies in Group I-3. Not less than 6 square feet (0.6 m
) of accessible space per occupant shall be provided on each side of the horizontal exit for the total number of people in adjoining compartments.
3. Horizontal exits are permitted to serve as the only exits from a portion of a building serving as an intermediate refuge area in accordance with Section 1026.4.2, Exception.