722.6.2.4 Floors and roofs.
In the case of a floor or roof, the standard test provides only for testing for fire exposure from below. Except as noted in Section 703.3, Item 5, floor or roof assemblies of wood framing shall have an upper membrane consisting of a subfloor and finished floor conforming to Table 722.6.2(4) or any other membrane that has a contribution to fire resistance of not less than 15 minutes in Table 722.6.2(1).
722.6.2.5 Additional protection.
Table 722.6.2(5) indicates the time increments to be added to the fire resistance where glass fiber, rock wool, slag mineral wool or cellulose insulation is incorporated in the assembly.
722.6.2.6 Fastening.
Fastening of wood frame assemblies and the fastening of membranes to the wood framing members shall be done in accordance with Chapter 23.