1017.2 Exterior egress balcony increase.
Exit access travel distances specified in Table 1017.2 shall be increased up to an additional 100 feet (30 480 mm) provided the last portion of the exit access leading to the exit occurs on an exterior egress balcony constructed in accordance with Section 1021. The length of such balcony shall be not less than the amount of the increase taken.
1017.3 Measurement.
Exit access travel distance shall be measured from the most remote point within a story along the natural and unobstructed path of horizontal and vertical egress travel to the entrance to an exit.
1. In open parking garages, exit access travel distance is permitted to be measured to the closest riser of an exit access stairway or the closest slope of an exit access ramp.
2. In buildings of Group A-5 with open-air seating served by exit access stairways and ramps, exit access travel distance is permitted to be measured to the closest riser of an exit access stairway or the closest slope of an exit access ramp.
3. Exit access travel distance in assembly occupancies shall be measured in accordance with Section 1029.
1017.3.1 Exit access stairways and ramps.
Travel distance on exit access stairways or ramps shall be included in the exit access travel distance measurement. The measurement along stairways shall be made on a plane parallel and tangent to the stair tread nosings in the center of the stair and landings. The measurement along ramps shall be made on the walking surface in the center of the ramp and landings.
1018.1 General.
Aisles and aisle accessways serving as a portion of the exit access in the means of egress system shall comply with the requirements of this section. Aisles or aisle accessways shall be provided from all occupied portions of the exit access that contain seats, tables, furnishings, displays and similar fixtures or equipment. The minimum width or required capacity of aisles shall be unobstructed.
Exception: Encroachments complying with Section 1005.7.
1018.2 Aisles in assembly spaces.
Aisles and aisle accessways serving a room or space used for assembly purposes shall comply with Section 1029.
1018.3 Aisles in Groups B and M.
In Group B and M occupancies, the minimum clear aisle width shall be determined by Section 1005 for the occupant load served, but shall be not less than 36 inches (914.4 mm).
Exception: Nonpublic aisles serving less than 50 people and not required to be accessible by Chapter 11 need not exceed 28 inches (711.2 mm) in width.