1010.1 Doors.
Means of egress doors shall meet the requirements of this section. Doors serving a means of egress system shall meet the requirements of this section and Section 1022.2. Doors provided for egress purposes in numbers greater than required by this code shall meet the requirements of this section.
Means of egress doors shall be readily distinguishable from the adjacent construction and finishes such that the doors are easily recognizable as doors. Mirrors or similar reflecting materials shall not be used on means of egress doors. Means of egress doors shall not be concealed by curtains, drapes, decorations or similar materials.
1010.1.1 Size of doors.
The minimum width and height of each door opening shall be in accordance with this section.
1010.1.1.1 Door width.
The required capacity of each door opening shall be sufficient for the occupant load thereof and shall provide a minimum clear width of 32 inches (812.2 mm). Clear openings of doorways with swinging doors shall be measured between the face of the door and the stop, with the door open 90 degrees (1.57 rad). Where this section requires a minimum clear width of 32 inches (812.8 mm) and a door opening includes two door leaves without a mullion, one leaf shall provide a clear opening width of 32 inches (812.8 mm). The maximum width of a swinging door leaf shall be 48 inches (1220 mm) nominal. Means of egress doors in a Group I-2 occupancy used for the movement of beds shall provide a clear width not less than 41 1/2 inches (1054.1 mm).
1. The minimum and maximum width shall not apply to door openings that are not part of the required means of egress in Group R-2 and R-3 occupancies.
2. Door openings to resident sleeping units in Group I-3 occupancies shall have a clear width of not less than 28 inches (711.2 mm).
3. Door openings to storage closets less than 10 square feet (0.93 m
) in area shall not be limited by the minimum width.
4. Width of door leaves in revolving doors that comply with Section 1010.1.4.1 shall not be limited.
5. In other than Group R-1 occupancies, the minimum widths shall not apply to interior egress doors within a dwelling unit or sleeping unit that is not required to be an Accessible unit, Type B+NYC or Type B unit.
6. Doors to walk-in freezers and coolers less than 1,000 square feet (92.9 m
) in area shall have a maximum width of 60 inches (1524 mm).
7. In Group R-1 dwelling units or sleeping units not required to be Accessible units, the minimum width shall not apply to doors for showers or saunas.
1010.1.1.2 Projections into clear width.
There shall not be projections into the required clear width lower than 34 inches (863.4 mm) above the floor or ground. Projections into the clear opening width between 34 inches (863.4 mm) and 80 inches (2032 mm) above the floor or ground shall not exceed 4 inches (101.6 mm).
Exception: Door closers and door stops shall be permitted to be 78 inches (1980 mm) minimum above the floor.