1010.4.2 Doors to dwelling units.
Doors to dwelling units shall be equipped with a heavy duty latch set and a heavy duty dead bolt operable by a key from the outside and a thumb-turn from the inside. Those doors shall also be equipped with a chain guard so as to permit partial opening of the door. Dwelling unit entrance doors shall also be equipped with a viewing device located so as to enable a person on the inside of the entrance door to view a person immediately outside.
1010.4.3 Windows.
All openable windows shall be equipped with sash locks designed to be openable from the inside only. Grilles lockable from the inside only may be placed on the inside or outside of windows that are accessible from grade but that do not serve to provide access to exits.
1010.4.4 Intercommunication system.
Buildings containing eight or more dwelling units shall be provided with an intercommunication system located at the door giving access to the main entrance lobby, consisting of a device or devices for voice communication between the occupant of each dwelling unit and a person outside the door to the main entrance lobby, and permitting such dwelling unit occupant to release the locking mechanism of said door from the dwelling unit. In buildings provided with a full-time lobby attendant, the intercommunication system may be between each dwelling unit and the attendant's station.
1011.1 General.
Stairways serving occupied portions of a building shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1011.2 through 1011.13. Alternating tread devices shall comply with Section 1011.14. Ships ladders shall comply with Section 1011.15. Ladders shall comply with Section 1011.16.
Exception: Within rooms or spaces used for assembly purposes, stepped aisles shall comply with Section 1029.
1011.2 Width and capacity.
The required capacity of stairways shall be determined as specified in Section 1005, but the minimum width shall be not less than 44 inches (1117.6 mm). See Section 1009.3 for accessible means of egress stairways.
1. A width of not less than 36 inches (914.4 mm) shall be permitted in:
1.1. A stairway that serves an occupant load of 50 or less cumulative for all stories; or
1.2. A stairway that provides egress to the exit discharge solely for the use of Group R-2 occupancies, provided the building it serves is 125 feet (38 100 mm) or less in height, and provided such a stairway serves not more than 30 occupants per floor.
2. Spiral stairways as provided for in Section 1011.10.
3. Where an inclined platform lift or a stairway chairlift is installed on stairways serving occupancies in Group R-3, or within dwelling units in occupancies in Group R-2, a clear passage width not less than 20 inches (508 mm) shall be provided. Where the seat and platform can be folded when not in use, the distance shall be measured from the folded position.