A copy of any paper, record, book, document or map, filed in the department of finance, or the minutes, records or proceedings, or any portion thereof, of any board or commission of which the commissioner of finance, is or may become a member, when certified by the commissioner of finance, or a deputy commissioner of finance, to be a correct copy of the original, shall be admissible in evidence in any trial, investigation, hearing or proceeding in any court, or before any commissioner, board or tribunal, with the same force and effect as the original. Whenever a subpoena is served upon the commissioner of finance, or any member of a board or commission of which the commissioner of finance is a member, or upon any officer or employee of the department of finance, or upon any officer or employee of such boards or commissions, requiring the production upon any trial or hearing of an original paper, document, book, map, record, minutes or proceedings, the commissioner of finance, in his or her discretion, may furnish a copy certified as herein provided, unless the subpoena be accompanied by an order of the court or other tribunal before which trial or hearing is had requiring the production of such original.