3202.3.2.2 Temporary storm enclosures for other establishments.
Temporary storm enclosures projecting not more than 18 inches (457 mm) beyond the street line may be permitted at other establishments.
3202.3.3 Temporary flood shields, stairs and ramps in flood hazard areas and shaded X-Zones.
In flood hazard areas and shaded X-Zones, temporary flood shields, stairs and ramps shall comply with Sections G308.9 and G308.10 of Appendix G of the New York City Building Code and shall be permitted in accordance with plans approved by the department subject to the following conditions:
1. Such flood shields, stairs and ramps shall project no more than one foot (305 mm) beyond the street line.
2. Such flood shields, stairs and ramps shall be removed in a timely manner after a flood event.
3301.1 Scope.
The provisions of this chapter shall govern the conduct of all construction or demolition operations with regard to the safety of the public and property. For regulations relating to the safety of persons employed in construction or demolition operations, OSHA standards shall apply.
3301.1.1 Responsibility for safety.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to relieve persons engaged in construction or demolition operations from complying with other applicable provisions of law, nor is it intended to alter or diminish any obligation otherwise imposed by law on any party engaged in a construction or demolition operation, including but not limited to the owner, construction manager, general contractor, subcontractors, material men, registered design professionals, or other party to engage in sound design and engineering, safe construction or demolition practices, including but not limited to debris removal, and to act in a reasonable and responsible manner to maintain a safe construction or demolition site.