The following terms are defined for purposes of this chapter:
(a) "Conduit" means equipment installed by means of microtrenching to house fiber-optic cabling in multiple enclosed pathways or pipes.
(b) "Department" means the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications.
(c) "Duct" means one enclosed pathway or pipe within a conduit.
(d) "Excess capacity" means ducts within a conduit that may not be used by the owner or for the owner's business. Each excess capacity duct must be no smaller than the largest duct within the conduit that is reserved for use by the owner, but in any event each excess capacity duct must have the capacity to house at least 96 strands of fiber-optic cable.
(e) "Low density residential block" means the side of a street on a City block that consists entirely of residential buildings with no more than three residential units each.
(f) "Microtrenching" means a technique for installing conduit to house fiberoptic cable to provide telecommunications services, utilizing a shallower and narrower cut that can be made in the expansion joint between the sidewalk and the curb as well as within the roadway.
(g) "Owner" means the holder of a current telecommunications franchise pursuant to Section 1072(c) of the Charter, that proposes to install or has installed conduit. A franchise is not "current" if the term of the franchise agreement has expired and the franchise is in holdover status.
(h) "Telecommunications franchisee" means the holder of a current franchise pursuant to Section 1072(c) of the Charter, or of a revocable consent from the City of New York for installation of telecommunications equipment above, below or on any of the streets within the City. A franchise is not "current" if the term of the franchise agreement has expired and the franchise is in holdover status.