1010.3.1 High turnstile.
Turnstiles more than 39 inches (990.6 mm) high shall meet the requirements for revolving doors.
1010.3.2 Additional door.
Where serving an occupant load greater than 300, each manually-operated turnstile and automatic turnstile that is not portable shall have a side-hinged swinging door that conforms to Section 1010.1 within 50 feet (15 240 mm).
1010.4 Security requirements for doors and windows.
The provisions of Sections 1010.4.1 through 1010.4.4 shall apply to Group R-2 occupancies.
1010.4.1 Entrance doors.
Building entrance doors and other exterior exit doors shall be equipped with heavy duty lock sets with auxiliary latch bolts to prevent the latch from being manipulated by means other than a key. Latch sets shall have stop-work in the inside cylinder controlled by a master key only. Outside cylinders of main entrance door locks shall be operated by the tenants' key, which shall not be keyed to also open the tenants' apartment door. A light or lights shall be provided at or near the outside of the front entranceway of the building providing not less than 5-footcandles (53.82 lux) intensity measured at the floor level for the full width of the entranceway.
1010.4.2 Doors to dwelling units.
Doors to dwelling units shall be equipped with a heavy duty latch set and a heavy duty dead bolt operable by a key from the outside and a thumb-turn from the inside. Those doors shall also be equipped with a chain guard so as to permit partial opening of the door. Dwelling unit entrance doors shall also be equipped with a viewing device located so as to enable a person on the inside of the entrance door to view a person immediately outside.
1010.4.3 Windows.
All openable windows shall be equipped with sash locks designed to be openable from the inside only. Grilles lockable from the inside only may be placed on the inside or outside of windows that are accessible from grade but that do not serve to provide access to exits.