1024.5 Openings.
Exit passageway opening protectives shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 716.
Except as permitted in Section 402.8.7, openings in exit passageways other than unprotected exterior openings shall be limited to those necessary for exit access to the exit passageway from normally occupied spaces and for egress from the exit passageway.
Where an interior exit stairway or ramp is extended to an exit discharge or a public way by an exit passageway, the exit passageway shall comply with Section 1023.3.1.
Elevators shall not open into an exit passageway.
1024.6 Penetrations.
Penetrations into or through an exit passageway are prohibited except for equipment and ductwork necessary for independent pressurization, hydronic piping and related heating equipment limited to serving the exit passageway in which such piping and equipment is located, sprinkler piping, standpipes, electrical raceway for fire department communication and electrical raceway serving the exit passageway and terminating at a steel box not exceeding 16 square inches (0.010 m
). Such penetrations shall be protected in accordance with Section 714. There shall not be penetrations or communicating openings, whether protected or not, between adjacent exit passageways.
Exception: Membrane penetrations shall be permitted on the outside of the exit passageway. Such penetrations shall be protected in accordance with Section 714.3.2.
1024.7 Ventilation.
Equipment and ductwork for exit passageway ventilation as permitted by Section 1024.6 shall comply with one of the following:
1. The equipment and ductwork shall be located exterior to the building and shall be directly connected to the exit passageway by ductwork enclosed in construction as required for shafts.
2. Where the equipment and ductwork is located within the exit passageway, the intake air shall be taken directly from the outdoors and the exhaust air shall be discharged directly to the outdoors, or the air shall be conveyed through ducts enclosed in construction as required for shafts.
3. Where located within the building, the equipment and ductwork shall be separated from the remainder of the building, including other mechanical equipment, with construction as required for shafts.
In each case, openings into the fire-resistance-rated construction shall be limited to those needed for maintenance and operation and shall be protected by opening protectives in accordance with Section 716 for shaft enclosures.
Exit passageway ventilation systems shall be independent of other building ventilation systems.
1025.1 General.
Approved luminous egress path markings delineating the exit path shall be provided in all high-rise buildings subject to Section 403.5 having occupied floors located more than 75 feet (22 860 mm) above the lowest level of Fire Department vehicle access in accordance with Sections 1025.1 through 1025.9.
1. Luminous egress path markings shall not be required on the level of exit discharge in lobbies that serve as part of the exit path in accordance with Section 1028.1, Exception 1.
2. In open parking garages, luminous egress path markings shall not be required in open exit stairways serving only the open parking garage, and areas of open parking garages that serve such part of the exit path.
3. Luminous egress path markings shall not be required on egress paths serving Group R-2.