3321.2 Duties of permit holder.
On and after March 1, 2018, each permit holder at a building site shall be responsible for the following:
1. Ensuring that each construction or demolition worker employed or otherwise engaged at such site by or on behalf of such permit holder complies with the requirements of Section 3321.1.
2. Certifying to the department, in a form and manner established by the department, that the requirements of Section 3321 have been met.
3. Maintaining at such site a daily log, in a form and manner established by the department, that identifies each such worker and that includes, for each such worker, a copy of the SST card, SST supervisor card, limited SST card, temporary SST card or proof of compliance with Item 1 of Section 3321.1, as applicable.
4. Providing such log to the department upon request by the department.
(L.L. 2017/196, 10/16/2017, eff. 10/16/2017)