1021.5. Outdoor conditions.
Exterior egress balconies shall be designed to minimize accumulation of snow and ice that impedes the means of egress.
1022.1 General.
Exits shall comply with Sections 1022 through 1027 and the applicable requirements of Sections 1003 through 1015. An exit shall not be used for any purpose that interferes with its function as a means of egress. Once a given level of exit protection is achieved, such level of protection shall not be reduced until arrival at the exit discharge. Exits shall be continuous from the point of entry into the exit to the exit discharge.
Exception: Interior exit stairways with doors that are automatic-closing by smoke detection pursuant to the exception set forth in Section 713.7 may be used for travel between floors and this use shall not be deemed to interfere with function as a means of egress.
1022.2 Exterior exit doors.
Buildings or structures used for human occupancy shall have not less than one exterior door that meets the requirements of Section 1010.1.1.