Agency. "Agency" means a mayoral agency that has regular contact with the public in the daily administration of its business and shall include the Department of Aging, Department of Business Services, Department of Consumer Affairs, the Department of Correction, the Department of Employment, Department of Finance, the Department of Health, the Department of Homeless Services, the Department of Housing Preservation and Development, Department of Mental Health, the Department of Parks and Recreation, the Department of Personnel, the Police Department, the Department of Probation, the Human Resources Administration, the Department of Transportation, Department of Youth Services, and such other agencies as may be designated by the Coordinator of Voter Assistance after consultation with the agency.
Board of Elections. "Board of Elections" means the Board of Elections of the City of New York.
Charter. "Charter" means the New York City Charter.
Party. "Party" means any political organization meeting the definition of a "party" under § 1-104 of the election law.
Plan. "Plan" means a voter assistance plan to be prepared annually by agencies specifying the resources, opportunities, and locations the agency will provide for voter assistance activities.
Registration form. "Registration form" means the application form to register to vote designed by the State Board of Elections pursuant to Election Law 5-210(5).
Pursuant to Section 1056 of the Charter, on or before January 15, 1994 and on or before January 15th of each succeeding year, each agency shall submit a plan to the Mayor and the Coordinator of Voter Assistance in accordance with these rules.