Q108.1 General.
Smoke control systems, where required by this code, shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 92, Standard for Smoke Control Systems, 2018 edition, modified for New York City as follows. Refer to the rules of the department for any subsequent additions, modifications or deletions that may have been made to this standard in accordance with Section 28-103.19 of the Administrative Code.
Chapter 1 Administration
1.1* Delete and replace with the following: "This standard shall apply to the design of smoke control systems."
1.2.1 Delete and replace with the following: "The purpose of this standard shall be to establish requirements for smoke control systems using either the airflow design method or the exhaust method to accomplish one of more of the following:"
"(1) Inhibit smoke from entering stairwells, means of egress, smoke refuge areas, elevator shafts, or similar areas"
"(2) Maintain a tenable environment in smoke refuge areas and means of egress during the time required for evacuation"
"(3) Inhibit the migration of smoke from the smoke zone"
"(4) Provide conditions outside the smoke zone that enable emergency response personnel to conduct search and rescue operations and to locate and control the fire"
"(5) Contribute to the protection of life and to the reduction of property loss"
1.2.2 Delete the words "other codes and standards".
1.2.3 Delete the words "other codes and standards".
Add 1.2.4 to read as follows: "The requirements for pressurization systems are provided in the New York City Building Code."
1.3 Delete entire sections, including subsections.
1.4 Delete entire sections, including subsections.
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
2.1 Add at end the following: "Where a referenced publication has been modified for the City of New York by the New York City Building Code or the rules of the Department of Buildings, every reference to such publication shall be deemed to include all such modifications. Where the edition of a publication referenced within this standard differs from the edition provided for the same standard in Chapter 35 of the New York City Building Code, the edition provided for in Chapter 35 of the New York City Building Code shall govern."
Chapter 3 Definitions
3.3.1 Delete definition of Atrium and replace with the following: "See the New York City Building Code."
3.3.12 Delete definition of Smoke and replace with the following: "See the New York City Building Code."
3.3.13* Delete definition of Smoke Barrier and replace with the following: "See the New York City Building Code definition of ‘Smoke Partition'. Where the term ‘Smoke Barrier' is utilized throughout this referenced standard, it shall be amended to read ‘Smoke Partition.'"
3.3.15* Delete definition of Smoke Control Mode and replace with the following: "See the New York City Building Code."
3.3.16* Delete definition of Smoke Damper and replace with the following: "See the New York City Building Code."
3.3.22 Delete definition of Stack Effect and replace with the following: "See the New York City Building Code."
3.3.24* Delete definition of Tenable Environment and replace with the following: "See the New York City Building Code."
3.3.25 Delete definition of Smoke Control Zone and replace with the following: "See the New York City Building Code."
Chapter 4 Design Fundamentals
4.1.1* Delete Item (1).
4.2.3 Delete entire sections, including subsections.
4.4.2 Delete entire sections, including subsections.
Table Delete.
4.6 Delete entire sections, including subsections.
4.7 Delete. Delete.
4.8.3 Delete entire sections, including subsections.
Chapter 5 Smoke Management Calculation Procedures No changes.
Chapter 6 Building Equipment and Controls Delete entire chapter including all sections and subsections.
Chapter 7 Smoke Control System Documentation
7.1 Delete the words "by the designer during the design process".
7.3.1 Delete the words "(see Chapter 8)" from Item (2).
Chapter 8 Testing Delete entire chapter including all sections and subsections.
The annexes are not a part of the requirements of this Referenced Standard but are included for informational purposes only. These annexes contain explanatory material, numbered to correspond with the applicable text paragraphs. In the event of any conflict between the Annexes and the body of the Referenced Standard, particularly where modifications have been made for New York City, the body of the Referenced Standard will govern.
Annex A Explanatory Material No changes.
Annex B Predicting the Rate of Heat Release of Fires No changes.
Annex C Computer-Based Models for Atria and Malls No changes.
Annex D Additional Design Objectives No changes.
Annex E Stratification of Smoke No changes.
Annex F Types of Stairwell Pressurization Systems No changes.
Annex G HVAC Air-Handling System Types No changes.
Annex H Fire Fighters' Smoke Control Station (FSCS) Considerations Delete entire Annex including all sections and subsections.
Annex I Information on Testing for Leakage Between Smoke Zones No changes.
Annex J Advisory Information on Acceptance Testing No changes.
Annex K Example Problems Illustrating the Use of Equations No changes.
Annex L Comparison of Equations No changes.
Annex N Information References No changes.
R101.1 General.
Where required by Section 803.9 of this code, the provisions of ASTM C 635 and ASTM C 636, as modified by this appendix, shall govern the design and installation of ceiling suspension systems used to support acoustical tiles, or acoustical lay-in panels weighing less than four pounds per square foot (191.5 Pa), not contributing to the fire-resistance rating of a floor or roof assembly and not used for meeting the noise control requirements of the building code. Refer to the rules of the department for any subsequent additions, modifications or deletions that may have been made to this standard in accordance with Section 28-103.19 of the Administrative Code.