1010.1.8 Door arrangement.
Space between two doors in a series shall be 48 inches (1220 mm) minimum plus the width of a door swinging into the space. Doors in series shall swing either in the same direction or away from the space between the doors.
1. The minimum distance between horizontal sliding power-operated doors in a series shall be 48 inches (1220 mm).
2. Storm and screen doors serving individual dwelling units in Groups R-2 and R-3 need not be spaced 48 inches (1220 mm) from the other door.
3. Doors within individual dwelling units in Group R-3.
4. Doors within individual dwelling units in Group R-2 that are not required to comply with Section 1107.
5. Exterior doors in vestibules in Group R-2 occupancies shall not be required to swing either in the same direction or away from the space between doors provided that the 48-inch (1220 mm) minimum space between door swings is maintained.
1010.1.9 Door operations.
Except as specifically permitted by this section egress doors shall be readily openable from the egress side without the use of a key or special knowledge or effort.
1010.1.9.1 Hardware.
Door handles, pulls, latches, locks and other operating devices on doors required to be accessible by Chapter 11 shall not require tight grasping, tight pinching or twisting of the wrist to operate.
1010.1.9.2 Hardware height.
Door handles, pulls, latches, locks and other operating devices shall be installed 34 inches (863.4 mm) minimum and 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum above the finished floor. Locks used only for security purposes and not used for normal operation are permitted at any height.
Exception: Access doors or gates in barrier walls and fences protecting pools, spas and hot tubs shall be permitted to have operable parts in compliance with Section 3109.4.2 or 3109.5.1.7, as applicable.
1010.1.9.3 Locks and latches.
Locks and latches shall be permitted to prevent operation of doors where any of the following exist:
1. Places of detention or restraint.
2. Places where extra safeguards are required such as banks, museums, and jewelry stores subject to the approval of the commissioner and provided the locks are equipped with electrical release devices for remote control in case of emergencies. However, museums shall be subject to further special review by the commissioner and Fire Commissioner.
3. Main entrances in Occupancy Groups B, M, and S as permitted by Section 1010.1.4.4.
4. Doors from individual dwelling or sleeping units of Group R occupancies having an occupant load of 10 or less are permitted to be equipped with a night latch, dead bolt or security chain, provided such devices are openable from the inside without the use of a key or tool.
5. Doors serving R-2 occupancies as required by Section 1010.4.
6. In educational occupancies classified in Occupancy Group B or E, and college or student dormitories in Group R-1, stairways leading from the top floor to a roof may be provided with locked wire mesh gates openable by key.
7. On roofs that are not intended to be accessed by occupants other than building maintenance personnel, the use of a hook and eye closing device or other similar non-self-locking devices on the stairway side of all doors openable without the use of a key or special knowledge to roofs shall be permitted.
8. Fire doors after the minimum elevated temperature has disabled the unlatching mechanism in accordance with listed fire door test procedures.
1010.1.9.4 Bolt locks.
Manually operated flush bolts or surface bolts are not permitted.
1. On doors not required for egress in individual dwelling units or sleeping units.
2. Where a pair of doors serves a storage or equipment room, manually operated edge- or surface-mounted bolts are permitted on the inactive leaf.
3. Where a pair of doors serves an occupant load of less than 75 persons in a Group B, F or S occupancy, manually operated edge- or surface-mounted bolts are permitted on the inactive leaf. The inactive leaf shall not contain doorknobs, panic bars or similar operating hardware.
4. Where a pair of doors serves a Group B, F or S occupancy, manually operated edge- or surface-mounted bolts are permitted on the inactive leaf provided such inactive leaf is not needed to meet egress capacity requirements and the building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. The inactive leaf shall not contain doorknobs, panic bars or similar operating hardware.
5. Where a pair of doors serves patient care rooms in Group I-2 occupancies, self-latching edge- or surface-mounted bolts are permitted on the inactive leaf provided that the inactive leaf is not needed to meet egress capacity requirements and the inactive leaf shall not contain doorknobs, panic bars or similar operating hardware.
1010.1.9.5 Unlatching.
The unlatching of any door or leaf shall not require more than one operation.
Exception: More than one operation is permitted for unlatching doors in the following locations:
1. Places of detention or restraint.
2. Where manually operated bolt locks are permitted by Section 1010.1.9.4.
3. Doors from individual dwelling units and sleeping units of Group R occupancies as permitted by Section 1010.1.9.3, Items 4 and 5.