(a) The regular public hearings of the City Planning Commission shall be held twice monthly on Wednesday at 10 a.m. in City Hall, unless otherwise ordered by the Chair. Other regular public meetings of the City Planning Commission, also known as Review Sessions, shall be held twice monthly on Monday at 22 Reade Street, Spector Hall unless otherwise ordered by the Chair. The time and location of any meeting may be confirmed by contacting the Office of the Calendar Officer at the Department of City Planning.
(b) Special meetings of the City Planning Commission may be called by the Chair or by seven members.
(c) A quorum shall consist of seven members.
(d) Final action by the Commission shall be by the affirmative vote of not less than seven members at a meeting open to the public.
(e) Except by unanimous consent, matters upon which public hearings are required by law shall lie over until the next meeting following the public hearing.
(f) The order of business at regular public hearings shall be as follows unless otherwise ordered by the Chair.
(1) Roll call.
(2) Approval of minutes of previous meetings.
(3) Scheduling dates for future hearings.
(4) Public Hearings.
(5) Reports on previously heard items.
(g) Matters not on the calendar shall be considered only by unanimous consent.
(i) The vote upon every proposition voted upon shall be recorded in the minutes.
(j) The Chair shall establish the order in which speakers are heard at public hearings. Speakers shall be limited to no more than three minutes to present testimony unless more time is permitted by the Chair.
(k) City employees designated by the Chair shall be the only persons allowed within the guard rail of the dais during public meetings.
(l) All reports of the Commission or its members pertaining to matters acted on by the Commission shall be incorporated in the record.
(m) All proposals scheduled for public hearings shall be duly advertised in accordance with Charter provisions and all applicable laws.
(n) The public may attend all meetings of the Commission, including public hearings, except that the Commission may close such a meeting to the public only as provided in the New York State Open Meetings Law (Public Officers Law, §§ 100-111).
(a) Notices of all special meetings shall be given to each member by the Calendar Officer.
(b) The Calendar Officer shall prepare a calendar of the business to be presented and considered at each public meeting. The matters thereon shall be arranged in the order prescribed by 62 RCNY § 1-01(f), and shall be properly classified. The Calendar Officer shall also keep a record of undetermined matters which have been laid over.
(c) Record. The record of a public meeting, including a public hearing, shall consist of either an audio recording or verbatim stenographic record of the proceedings; a list of speakers' names and affiliations, if any; a notation of each speaker's own indication, on a form provided for that purpose, of support or opposition to the proposal; and any exhibits or written statements offered by speakers. The record shall be available online from the Department of City Planning's website or at the Calendar Office, City Planning Commission, 120 Broadway, 31st Floor, New York, New York 10271. The Department of City Planning shall make available for public inspection, at the above location, a complete transcript of all public hearings of the Commission within sixty (60) days of such hearing.
(d) The Calendar Officer shall maintain the minutes of each public meeting, and shall make them available for examination by the public in the Office of the Calendar Officer.
(e) Minutes and a record of votes shall be taken at any executive session to the extent required by § 106 of the Public Officers Law.
(f) All communications, petitions and reports intended for consideration shall be sent to the Commission's attention through the Department of City Planning's website or the Calendar Office.
(g) The Calendar Officer shall transmit to the City Council and other city departments affected thereby true copies of all reports and resolutions adopted.
(Amended City Record 3/21/2018, eff. 4/20/2018)