It is the intent of the legislature by the enactment of this chapter to recodify, without substantive change, the administrative code of the city of New York in effect immediately prior to the effective date of this chapter. The enactment of this code shall not be construed as validating, ratifying or conforming any provision hereof which was enacted by any local law of the city of New York, and incorporated within the prior administrative code of the city of New York and recodified in this code which the city was without authority to enact at the time of such enactment of such local law.
This chapter shall not operate to deprive the local legislative body of the city of New York of the power to enact local laws in relation to any matter in respect to which such power would otherwise exist, nor shall it limit such power. If this power otherwise exists, any provision of this chapter may be superseded, supplemented or amended by local law in the same manner and to the same extent as such provisions could be superseded, supplemented or amended had this chapter not been enacted.