1913.2 Reclaimed asphalt pavement content in asphaltic concrete.
Asphaltic concrete, other than I-4 mix or other approved heavy duty asphaltic concrete mix, shall contain not less than 30 percent reclaimed asphalt pavement, as measured by weight. I-4 mix or other approved heavy duty asphaltic concrete mix shall contain not less than 10 percent reclaimed asphalt pavement, as measured by weight. Reclaimed asphalt paving used in asphaltic concrete shall comply with ASTM D 692 or ASTM D 1073.
1. Asphaltic concrete used in a project where the content of asphaltic concrete is governed by a federal or state law, rule, regulation, guideline, or specification that requires a different composition.
2. Asphaltic concrete used for runways, taxiways, or other surfaces utilized by aircraft.
3. The commissioner may waive compliance with this section if the commissioner, after consulting with the commissioner of transportation and the owners or persons in charge of all asphalt plants located within the city, finds that a sufficient supply of reclaimed asphalt pavement is not available.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2011/071.