General Provisions
150.001 Smoke detector requirements
150.002 General contract registration
150.003 Carbon monoxide detector requirements
Building Codes
150.015 Code adoptions
150.016 Amendments to the International Building Code
150.017 Amendments to International Residential Code for One and Two-Family Dwellings
150.018 Occupancy permit for mobile homes not in a mobile home park
150.019 Drainage
150.020 Sanitary district approval
150.021 Permit issuance
150.022 Row covers and high tunnel structures
Building Demolition
150.035 Scope
150.036 Permit
150.037 Supervision
150.038 Workmanlike performance
150.039 Warning signs
150.040 Protection of public utilities
150.041 Protection of children
150.042 Covered walks
150.043 Dust
150.044 Leaving premises in proper condition
150.045 General demolition requirements
150.046 Special demolition requirements
150.047 Special residential demolition requirements
Electrical Code Generally; Permits, Inspections
150.060 Definitions
150.061 Purpose
150.062 Administration and enforcement
150.063 Permits
150.064 Inspections
150.065 Permit and inspection fees
150.066 Certificate required; exception
150.067 Record
Electrical Contractors, Licensing and Examination
150.080 Electrical Licensing Board
150.081 License required
150.082 Application for license
150.083 Examination required
150.084 Issuance of license
150.085 Bond
150.086 Insurance
150.087 License to individuals only
150.088 Term of license
150.089 Renewal of license
150.090 License not to be loaned
150.091 Revocation of license
Electrical Code, Technical Standards
150.105 Adoption of the National Electrical Code
150.106 Acceptable materials
150.107 Compliance with electric meter standards
150.108 Installation materials restricted
150.109 Furnaces
150.110 Ceiling boxes
150.111 Protection of conductors
150.112 Remodel work
150.113 Cable restrictions
150.114 Minimum clearance between recessed lighting fixture and storage shelf
Mechanical Code; Fuel Gas Code
150.125 Code adoptions; compliance required
150.126 Prohibited installations
150.127 Registration
150.128 Permit
150.129 Inspection
150.130 Good practice standards
150.131 Responsibility of installer
150.132 Testing approval
150.133 Venting required
150.134 Gas burners
150.135 LP gas controls
150.136 Permit for electrical work
Housing Code Generally; Administration and Enforcement
150.150 Definitions
150.151 Inspection of dwellings, dwelling units, rooming units and premises
150.152 Owner access for repairs and the like
150.153 Enforcement, service of notice and orders
150.154 Variances and appeals
150.155 Designation of fit dwellings and dwelling units as unfit for human habitation
Housing Code Minimum Standards
150.165 Basic equipment and facilities
150.166 Light, ventilation and heating
150.167 Safe and sanitary maintenance of parts of dwellings and dwelling units
150.168 Minimum space, use and location requirements
150.169 Responsibilities of owners and occupants
150.170 Roominghouses
Moving of Buildings Generally; Permit
150.180 Definitions
150.181 Inspector to make rules and regulations
150.182 Supervision
150.183 Dilapidated buildings
150.184 Trees
150.185 Permit required
150.186 Requirements for permit
150.187 Interfering structures
150.188 Fees
150.189 Route
150.190 Small buildings exemption
150.191 Transferability
150.205 Compliance required
150.206 Adoption of Plumbing Code
150.207 (Reserved)
150.208 Administrative authority
150.209 Regulation of plumbing contractors
150.210 Permits
150.211 Notification of Plumbing Inspector
Rental Licensing Program
150.225 Incorporation of preamble
150.226 Definitions
150.227 Licensure of rental units
150.228 Time of license application
150.229 Minimum standards
150.230 Inspection of premises
150.231 Notice of inspections
150.232 [Reserved]
150.233 Results of inspection
150.234 Inspection classification
150.999 Penalty
Dangerous and unsafe buildings, see Ch. 94
Statutory reference:
Registration of electrical contractors, see ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 11-33-1
Unsafe buildings, see ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, §§ 11-31-1 et seq.
(A) Purpose. A general contractor registration program is established to:
(1) Promote, protect and provide for the health, safety and financial welfare of the community in general, as it is affected by the construction industry; and
(2) Assure that any person, group, firm, partnership or corporation who engages in activities covered by these requirements can meet the necessary criteria set forth herein in order to become a registered general contractor.
(1990 Code, § 6-514)
(B) Registration required.
(1) For purposes of this section, the term GENERAL CONTRACTOR shall mean any person, partnership or corporation employed directly by any person, partnership or corporation, to erect, construct or enlarge any building, structure or fence; to install or enlarge any swimming pool with water deeper than 24 inches; to remodel any building or structure so as to change the means of egress, walls, beams, supports, roof pitch, roofing; to change the occupancy of a building or structure; expand or diminish the existing floor area; to install siding; or to install new windows. This section shall include modular or prefabricated structures built off site and delivered to the construction site for installation. Any persons, partnerships or corporations who are hired by the general contractor to perform any work specified above, and who are not considered employees of the general contractor shall also be considered a general contractor and shall also be registered. To be considered an employee, the persons, partnership or corporations must be paid directly by the general contractor and covered under the general contractor’s liability, workers’ compensation and unemployment insurance as required by applicable state statutes.
(2) Except as provided in division (B)(3) below, before anyone shall engage in the business of general contractor in the city, and before any general contractor now engaged in that business shall continue in that business, the general contractor shall be required to register with the city.
(3) An owner of a building shall be permitted to obtain permits for general contractor work performed by the owner on that building, without being required to register as a contractor.
(4) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require a person who performs general contractor work to his or her employer’s property to be a registered general contractor, where there exists an employer-employee relationship.
(1990 Code, § 6-515)
(C) Registration requirements.
(1) Any person, partnership or corporation desiring to become a registered contractor in the city shall provide to the City Clerk:
(a) The full legal name of the principal owner;
(b) The full business name, if applicable;
(c) The full physical address of the principal owner;
(d) The full business address, if applicable;
(e) Phone number of the principal owner;
(f) Names and addresses of representatives, officers or employees authorized to obtain permits in the business name;
(g) A continuous surety bond made out to the city in the amount of $5,000. A minimum of 30 days’ notification must be provided to the Inspection Division before this bond may be canceled;
(h) Any person, partnership or corporation desiring to become a registered contractor shall provide a certificate of insurance issued to the contractor for the full period of registration. The insurance shall insure the contractor for public liability and property damage in an amount of not less than $100,000 for each occurrence of property damage and not less than $300,000 for each occurrence of personal injury or bodily harm. A minimum of 30 days’ notification must be provided to the Inspection Division before this insurance may be canceled; and
(i) Proof of workers’ compensation insurance in the form of either a certificate of insurance or certificate of approval as a self-insurer issued by the State Industrial Commission. Exception: an applicant who operates his or her business as a sole proprietor and has no employees are exempt from this requirement. The applicant shall sign the registration application affirming himself or herself as a sole proprietor.
(2) Any person, partnership or corporation desiring to become a registered contractor shall first pay a registration fee of $100.
(3) Registration as provided herein must be renewed annually. In order to do so, the registered contractor shall provide to the City Clerk a registration fee as listed in division (C)(2) above by the expiration date of his or her previous registration. No general contractor shall be allowed to renew the registration unless he or she shall deposit with the City Clerk evidence that the requirements of division (C)(1) above are maintained in good standing for the full period of the registration.
(4) Registration shall be in effect from January 1 through December 31 of each calendar year and is nontransferable. All work performed under permits issued by the city must be conducted by employees of the permit holder covered under the insurance listed above or by contractors registered in the city.
(5) Failure to renew the general contractor registration prior to the expiration thereof shall cause the registration to expire. It shall be unlawful thereafter for the registrant to engage, offer to engage, or hold himself or herself out as engaging in general contractor business under the registration unless and until the registration is renewed.
(6) It shall be the responsibility of the registered general contractor to provide the City Clerk notice in writing of any changes in the information required in division (C)(1) of this section.
(1990 Code, § 6-516)
(Ord. 04-3055, passed 8-2-2004; Ord. 14-3465, passed 11-17-2014; Ord. 17-3560, passed 12-20-2017; Ord. 21-3659, passed 12-6-2021) Penalty, see § 150.999