§ 150.232 [RESERVED].
   (A)   If a rental unit is in violation of any applicable law, the city shall mail a written report of the violation to the landlord within 10 business days of the inspection. The city shall allow the landlord not more than 30 business days to correct the violations. The report shall state a re-inspection date. A copy of the report will be available at City Hall. The landlord’s failure to receive a copy of the report does not limit the city’s right to enforce these requirements.
   (B)   After re-inspection(s), if the Inspector believes the landlord or his/her agent is not correcting the violations or allowing re-inspections, either by refusal or missed appointments, the Inspector may refer the violation(s) to the city’s administrative adjudication process.
   (C)   If the Inspector determines that the violation poses a significant threat to the health, safety or welfare of the tenant(s), the Inspector may determine the landlord or his/her agent shall correct the violation(s) after notice is given to the landlord or his/her agent.
   (D)   Time extension. The Department of Planning and Public Works may grant a 15 business day extension to the compliance deadline established in the violation notice if requested in writing and filed with the Department of Planning and Public Works by the responsible party before the re-inspection date.
   (E)   If the landlord is non-compliant and his/her rental license is not renewed or revoked for a rental unit, all other rental units owned by this landlord currently classified as self-inspection shall be reclassified and subject to annual inspections in the City Inspection category.
(1990 Code, § 6-422) (Ord. 98-1875, passed 12-21-1998; Ord. 18-3567, passed 6-18-2018)
   Previously registered rental property which currently do not have any outstanding violations shall be classified as self inspection and shall initiate self inspection of rental units by May 1, 2019 in compliance with § 150.233(A). Landlords with more than ten units shall have until May 1, 2020 to comply with self inspection on rental units. Upon completion of a rental unit’s initial city inspection, the property shall be classified by the Inspector according to the classification system set forth herein. All rental units not registered prior to May 1, 2017 shall be inspected by the city prior to being licensed and will be classified by the Inspector according to the classifications in § 150.233. Any property may be considered for reclassification at each subsequent inspection.
   (A)   Self inspection. 
      (1)   Rental unit has no violations or violations corrected in a reasonable manner and time frame. Rental unit referred to self-inspection as outlined herein. Rental units eligible for self- inspection shall have a self-inspection form supplied by the city, filled out and signed by the landlord or his/her agent, and the tenant at least once every five years. Both landlord or his/her agent and the tenant must be present for the on-site inspection. If rental unit is unoccupied, tenant presence is not required. This form must be presented at the time of annual application of license with the city on the years in which a self-inspection is required.
      (2)   Self inspected rental units may be randomly verified through inspection by the City Inspector to ensure compliance.
   (B)   City inspection. Rental unit has uncorrected violations that do not pose a life safety risk or landlord or his/her agent has two or more missed inspections without cause. Inspections may occur as frequently as every year thereafter.
   (C)   City inspection; noncompliant. Rental unit has uncorrected violations which pose life and safety hazards to occupants or surrounding units and/or vicinity or the landlord or his/her agent is uncooperative with seeking violation remedies. Revocation of license may be a result of this classification.
   (D)   It shall be unlawful for any person to misrepresent or falsify any information under this section including but not limited to information on the self-inspection form.
(Ord. 18-3567, passed 6-18-2018)
§ 150.999 PENALTY.
   Any person violating §§ 150.001 through 152.234 shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than $50 nor more than $1,000 for each day the violation exists, provided, however, the intentional submission of false information on a registration statement, or amended registration statement, filed pursuant to this subchapter shall be a violation punishable by a fine of not less than $150 nor more than $1,000. Additionally, the City Attorney shall be authorized to seek any legal or equitable remedies he/she deems necessary to enforce §§ 150.001 through 152.234.
(Ord. 66-833, passed 2-7-1966; Ord. 84-946, passed 6-18-1984; Ord. 98-1875, passed 12-21-1998; Ord. 18-3567, passed 6-18-2018)