In General
   94.01   General provisions
   94.02   Declaration
   94.03   Notices
   94.04   Extension
   94.05   Abatement
   94.06   Statement of cost
   94.07   Lien
   94.08   Release of lien
   94.09   Foreclosure
   94.10   General definitions
   94.11   Weeds
   94.12   Pests
   94.13   Debris, garbage or trash
   94.14   Open cisterns
   94.15   Abandoned wells
   94.16   Outside storage in residentially used or zoned areas
   94.17   Prairie plot
   94.18   Enclosure of building openings
   94.19   Use of tarps as covers for roofs and garage door openings
   94.20   Structure unfit for human occupancy
Inoperable Motor Vehicles
   94.25   In general
   94.26   Definitions
   94.27   Generally; exemptions
   94.28   Notice and extension
   94.29   Authorization for towing
   94.30   Release of motor vehicles
Dangerous and Unsafe Buildings
   94.45   Dangerous and unsafe buildings generally
   94.46   Definition
   94.47   Procedure concerning dangerous and unsafe buildings
   94.48   Emergency removal of dangerous and unsafe buildings and structures
   94.49   Alternative demolition action
Chronic Nuisance Properties
   94.50   Definitions
   94.51   Notice of violation
   94.52   Hearing on designation as chronic nuisance property
   94.53   Remedies for chronic nuisance
   94.54   Registration and inspection of chronic nuisance properties
   94.55   Emergency closing procedures
   94.56   Severability
   94.99   Penalty
   Animals, see Ch. 90
   Building Code and regulations, see Ch. 150
   Designation of unfit dwelling units, see § 150.155
   Lights, see § 130.004
   Litter, see Ch. 130